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      PiggyBack replied to the post Body memory.
      It's entirely possible if not probable even if I can point to a several month hospital stay when I was 3 long before pediatric wards...
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      PiggyBack replied to the post Body memory.
      Myself. I've never made progress with a therapist as everyone to date insists on gaslighting me that my childhood experiences are not...
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      PiggyBack replied to the post Body memory.
      I've made tremendous progress and I'm a better person for it. Although I've learned that I can handle a small stream, but not a flood.
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      PiggyBack reacted to OM_™'s comment in the post Body memory with Like Like.
      My mind is at peace; my body flinches and informs my mind to be vigilant. It's an endless loop and it's so complicated. I feel better...
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      PiggyBack reacted to parrotthepolly's comment in the post Body memory with Like Like.
      It does sound like body memories, you're still hypervigilant without realising. I have all those symptoms too even at time when I...
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      I've been digging around in my childhood memories hoping to surface trauma, process it, and move on. Mentally, I do fine and it...
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