There are some people that actually have mini seizures where they disassociate and say strange things outside of their nature. When they come to, they do not recall any of it.
My girlfriend was professionally diagnosed with PTSD, but as I said, the issues or symptoms she's experiencing are not of the PTSD nature. This has greatly changed the course of the relationship. This special disease has entitled her to more control over others, and has steered the family some...
Iam is right on target with what my intention was with posting something like that ... I need to take better care with what I say on here. A whole lot of literal readers we have here! As silly as my analogy was, I did not mean AT ALL that sufferers are wild animals. Initially I was just trying...
I've read way too many things about side-effects. I keep encouraging my girlfriend to stay off of the medication, because I really don't think she even has PTSD, that if she did, it was a mild form of it, and just more of anxiety issues. Anyways ...
Okay, here's a test message, I'll keep it simple and brief, and hopefully we can all start over and just have one big PTSD hug over it ...
I can see why it would be hurtful.
Thank you for your time.
I said LIKE a wild animal, not IS. I'm sorry I'm coming off as so insensitive. I'm actually a pretty downright nice guy, and for you to critique something as small as that ... good luck with the real world!
Maybe correcting what I said is a waste of time, but my cats were wild, as a result they...
I've known my girlfriend for about 6-7 years, but after the first couple years we lost contact for a while, and during that time she had obtained ptsd. She wasn't able to find me for a while, but I was on her mind! I had kind of moved on with my life, thought of her occasionally, just didn't...
Well, I guess I should post something.
No seriously, don't stress! I work at somewhere where the stress should be high ... really high. But for some reason I don't let it bother me! I'm not sure why! I'm really not! *knocks on wood*
Keep your life balanced. Focus...
If you're a church kind of person, simply joining a Bible study group can help with gaining a couple friends. I actually have a group of friends that I obtained just from going to a Bible study for a couple months, and we've tried our best to stay in touch by hanging out at least once a month...
Holy geez ... at this rate, I would just read the Bible and trust that God would be able to put me back together, not some cheesy doctor! What a crock :)
Even I have a depression once a month, sometimes ... can't remember when it happened last. But it involved not wanting to talk to anyone, feeling like I was out of place, out of line, didn't belong. Now I have a job where, regardless of my family, I feel like I have an actual connection to...
That's interesting you've found words that trigger her ptsd. I haven't quite obtained that yet with mine even after 2 years, but I have found a couple hand gestures such as grabbing her arm that get the same results. I'm really only trying to help her in these kind of situations, but it just...
Space is a big bonus. Sometimes a person with PTSD wants you to stay away from them, sometimes they need to know where you are every second of the day. They might turn their cellphone off from you for days at a time, or they might call you with questions like "Where are you, when are you coming...
Guys are naturally ... like this. But they do need to be toned down sometimes! Give him a strict no, sleep in a different room if you have to. He and you are two totally different people, so sometimes, he might have the urge, just put your hand to your face, the other one shunning him, just say...
Welcome! Thanks for serving! It takes a lot of guts to go through the things you've experienced! Sometimes a group counseling session with other soldiers helps! It helps to know you are not alone with these feelings you are facing every day.
I needed to read this post this morning, because I am RIGHT THERE with you! I told my girlfriend I needed a break just a couple days ago, and she is being understanding about it (for now) ... who knows when the next panic attack will occur this week ... or when she'll use FMLA to get off work...
I am really not sure! But I think being open with her, either about this or just in general, using feelings in the conversation, maybe it will help her realize she can be open too ... and this won't be immediate. Encourage her to keep going to these sessions. She doesn't like to face her fears...
You can't force her, only help her. Some people work on their own clock, others work based on what their friends encourage her to do, some just need encouragement from you. You have really locked out on your options as if counseling is the only way past this, but maybe it would help if you would...
I know a couple that have been married for almost 20 years, and the wife continuously runs away, drives off into a random direction every 3-5 nights or so. Something happened to her over 30 years ago where some man assaulted her and kidnapped her, something along those lines, and it's gotten to...
I usually build up all the problems and angers because I'm a pretty tolerant person of things that bother me ... but after a while I can't help but just speak my mind and let it all out! Can usually take a while for me to get over it! But it makes me feel like I'm in more control when I let it...
Mine is VERY verbal about her little victories. But sometimes she is very quiet about them, and those are very important. And sometimes I miss them and she'll blow up at me after a couple months for not recognizing any of the changes she's made or any of that ... and it makes me realize that I...
Mine gets really aggravated with me sometimes, for simple things like helping her ... and an hour later she'll be soooo sad and bawling her eyes out about how horrible of a person she is and how she doesn't deserve me and how much I hate her or whatever ... I know this sounds mean but I kinda...