Get an attorney, and really consider the amount of income that you obtained in one year, average it out over that year. If your income is below their standards, then that is the year you need to state as your start date of being unable to obtain substantial work(or your disability date). It...
I am learning that I did no have the voice or opportunities to say no, state what I wanted like love and acceptance from my family. I was used and abused and discarded. I have decided not any more. When I feel rejected, i do not hide in a corner like my body is telling me to do. I keep...
I had a sudden urge of what I use to be (independent, active, fixing things, and coming up with solutions, etc....) in Dec 07. It lasted 2 weeks. At the time I thought I was all better. Back to my old self. I do not know what happened, but my therapist said this was scientific proof that I am...
wow, I love this forum. I thought I was the only one wigged out when tryng to the smallest thing. Once, I had to fall flat to the floor and cry and scream my way through that feelilng of impending doom. I was sweating and jerking and trembling. I have heaviness in my legs, and a pain in the...
Cecelia, I really hope that you would be able to see what I wrote. But, anyway, Talk with the person who invited you and share how you feel. I have been told often than not that opening up to someone will allow them(you are in complete control of this) to understand you and get out of this...
I am new to this PTSD blog. I have been alone here in Nashville and within my circle of community. But hearing from you guys who have gone through and still going through what is happening to me, I feel so not alone. MY MENTAL PAIN IS SO UNBARING AT TIMES, AND MY PHYSICAl PAIN DRIVES ME CRAZY...
I too have these memories. I call them body memories. Some times my legs point in and i waddle unsteadingly. some times I just sit and not move looking at things on the floor. It doesn''t last all day.
But it freaks me out sometimes.
response to nightmare
I too have them. I awake up and still have the intense emotions and these emotions hang on most of the day. I have themevery night. I too can't stop in the middle of them and make them stop or change the story.