Imho, what you need to end is your trying to control the situation. You're trying to read tea leaves when you take a small reaction of hers and use that as a basis for extrapolating what that indicates about her and your future..
My advice...relax. Concentrate on what it means to be a friend...
Oh Boy...
ironbird, you've come so far, but you've still far to go. I commend you for you efforts!
My advice to you would be to first and foremost be a real friend to her. By that I mean to be there no matter what. I know you feel like you are, but what if she said we're not having sex for a...
Yep, take a deep breath and know better days are on the way, Popeye. I've not had a service dog, but I've trained several dogs, and the one thing I know is there's no substitute for age....she'll mellow and mature as she gets a little older, and remember, she's still more bonded to her trainer...
Well, it certainly doesn't seem fair. Maybe she could visit your therapist for another view on how she is effecting you? Is that possible? I'm sure nobody is doing this intentionally, but it seems your feelings have fallen beneath the cracks! Good Luck're in my prayers, bud.
Years ago I had reason to travel to the Black Hills in South Dakota for 3 weeks out of the year. Alot of the people there are Lakota, and I must say I never felt so welcome anywhere in all my life...just a very accepting religion and people. I got to witness an aquaintance recieve his eagle...
Some people act like victims whether they are or not. Ask any mugger how he picks his victims and it's probably more by their body language than anything....
I can see the health in your attitude Jagged Angel, but I see Darkness Shines point too...survivors are tough!