I feel that she should have contacted you and explained that she had to take a course of medication (Steroids) and given their possible side effects (surely her doctor would have told her something of this), she would need to reschedule your appointment. It does sound like it was an honest...
I found a copy that is being sold by a bookseller located in Ireland. I am interested in the Lifespan and the developmental aspect during this period of growth. Your post reignited my interest and enthusiasm again.
Glad that you were able to secure a copy.
Have you tried Abebooks.com ? I will let you know if I can locate a copy for you.
There is an inexpensive copy on the Abebooks site and in various editions. These early editions may be just as good as often editions do not alter the main text (but sometimes they do)
It can be extremely hard to find the life that we want or maybe need. Our past does come into focus here but l believe that we can slowly alter our response to the past. I always dreamed of having a partner who l could be with forever. Then I met such a person and was with them for 30 years...
I ended up writing out a budget for myself and I find that I am sticking to it. Instead of buying things on line, I go to a shop instead and pay either cash (in full) or do a lay away, paying the installments off in cash and only from any extra money (after rent, food and bills). I do...
As mentioned in my previous post to this topic (16 August 2024), I wondered what the APA Guidelines would be in relation to your experience. The following is what I found -
I also came cross the following item -
Just sharing this is case information in case you feel responsible for your...
I can hear your fear but maybe try and talk to your mind / your memories, telling them that you are no longer living them and that they are only now memories and memories lie in the past. The events of the past are haunting you but those events happened - in the past. Maybe reliving them - in...
Thoroughly agree that his own actions are wrong. Even if an agreed boundary is broken, the professional thing to do is to revisit the agreement. What he did has the potential to harm a client and the client’s health is the first priority. Maybe you could email him (if you feel able to) and...
Hi Rose White, yes - it is Jello. As I live in Australia, we call Jello by the name Jelly, whereas I believe in the US, Jelly refers to Jam It can al be so confusing, can it not? Hope this helps.
I buy generic brands of spaghetti (which I love) and place the food on toast without butter / margarine. If I make soup, I likewise never put butter / margarine on it. Any stale bread I will keep to put in soup or as a base for jelly crystals. When growing up, if we had no breakfast cereal, my...
I hear your words, your pain, frustration, loneliness and deep sense of hopelessness as I too have thought the same, whilst also experiencing similar feelings. But I also know that there are many, many people who do care for others and the pain they are going through. When we find ourselves...
I like this quote by Nouwen (though I did find his book on The Wounded Healer quite difficult to appreciate). Aloofness or Indifference is the real problem behind a lot of problems as people often seemingly do not care and when we feel unloved, we are apt to become isolated more so in our...
I am really sorry for what you had to endure. Your anger is natural and a good therapist may be of support as you work through your issues. There is the anger, the sorrow and the grief of losing one’s innocence in a world that should have been safe. That is what CSA does to us.
I remember...
Yes, I hear what you are saying about voicing things out loud. This is similar to what I was explaining in regards to what my therapist has me do in relation to flashbacks (re my post of July 26, 2024). There are so many variations and we each just need to explore our options until we hit on...
Sometimes thinking things are the worst can lighten the heavy load if many negative things are occurring all at once. Sometimes acknowledging the worst can help us to confront the problem as we seek for a solution and when a solution is found, this can boost up our confidence and self esteem...
I thoroughly agree with you that there are layers of awareness and self awareness. The awareness is the acknowledgment that things have occurred in the past that may lead to one experiencing CPTSD and then there is a self awareness that maybe equates to protecting oneself. Just an idea that...
There seems to be a perception in reading about others interpretation of PTSD that one cannot remember or clearly so as to write / speak about it in a lucid way. However, I disagree. I think what some people can do is that we tell our story (or parts thereof) as something that occurred to...
I think it’s possible to identify the moment that PTSD was ignited and even to articulate it (for me this is via writing) but it is maybe the historical PTSD that lies behind the more recent ignited event that remains elusive. And I guess that l avoid talking about the latter (even with my...
Dear Tinyflame, what an exceptionally good question - Do FBs teach something? Ultimately I think they do, but what? That is the question. It depends on what one means by FBs. Are FBs positive, negative, neutral or a combination of all three?. For me, they can keep me stuck in a time frame and...
I found this thread interesting as I have not been diagnosed with anhedonia but I was saying to my therapist that I had to be invisible as a child to survive. The topic came up when we were discussing the results of a Schema Therapy investigation. I have been diagnosed with both Complicated...
I often have flashbacks in relation to a loss to suicide and finding the person.
My own therapist has me speak to my mind out loud when I have intrusive thoughts saying something along the lines of -
Thank you mind, for showing me these images in the past but I no longer need to see them as I...