I'm sorry, but my neighbor got these f***ing firecrackers from Mexico and the s*** makes me jump in my skin every time, I can seriously feel the adrenaline running in my veins - not in a nice way! It's not even dark yet and I feel like I'm about to cry or run next door with a meat cleaver and...
I am the mother of three and I worry constantly that I have a short fuse with them or sometimes shut them out. I was just wondering anyone else is having this problem or similar.
I chose anxiety because it is always here for me. I think it effects every part of me, how I feel, how I relate to people and the world, decisions and choices...I can't think of one thing it doesn't effect, everything else is specific to what's going on that particular moment. Do anxiety...
What if they are manufacturers? The "house" could blow...Who knows how many times they accidentally came into contact with the stuff - that s*** is the worst poison. Just imagine WHEN something terrible happens, how will you feel?
Now that I've gotten over my relapse, I had some time to put things in perspective. I want to say that to all the molested victims here, I am sorry if I angered you by "overreacting" to what happend, I know it is nothing compared to what you have been through. I myself am a victim of several...
Bec - so sorry to hear about your sudden loss. I have been to more funeral than I would like, but I think they are important for the ones left behind. Try not to drink, it really will only make things worse. Know that we are all there with you in spirit, holding you up.
9lives - thank you for sharing your story with me and the horrible abuse you and the women in your family endured, your encouraging words are especially powerful for me. Each day is getting better.
Man oh man am I screwed up today. I couldn't sleep last night, apparently I did because my husband said I was criing in my sleep...I am neasous to the point of throwing up, criing out of the blue, shakes, anxiety through the roof - it's like full blown PTSD all over again. Thank you Marlene...
Oh ****, this may sound so lame, but I will NEVER drink another Starbucks coffee! I am so sorry for all that you have been through. I went through a lot of bull in the court room too, the only reason why I got any money to live on was because my attorney waived his fees. It drives me...
Today I went to a Zoo by me with my in-laws and my 3 girls, twins 3 years old and my 15 month old baby. I can't really go anywhere unless someone goes with me and the girls, so the girls and I were really excited and happy about getting to the Zoo. When we were there, my father in law had to...
I do too. I really hate it...I freak out about all kinds of stuff and the only thing I can do when it happens is to try and get a hold of myself physically first (slow the breathing, let go of the nails bitting into my palms, wipe the sweat from my brow), then work on the rationalization.
I was wondering how many of us PTSD sufferers have been adopted? My main trauma was from a specific incident, but I think the "level" of my PTSD may have something to do with my childhood.
I've been there
pandora - I went through some trial hell as well, unfortunately PTSD is such a hard "disability" to prove in a court of law. I remember going to the whole process by myself, it was just me and my wonderful lawyer against a huge, powerful insurance law firm. I remember thinking...
So sad
I am probably the only person alive who can get an anxiety attack from a giant Easter Bunny...I just couldn't see the person's face and they were handing my girls' candy - ugh, I just can't stand it!
Me too!
Hereiam, Monarch, I too am a SAHM of twin girls (2 & 1/2) and a baby girl (13 mths). I don't have any therapy and don't get any support from the adults I have in my life. My husband is not only unsupportive, he constantly questions me and my parenting skills and generally treats me...
Ok, I haven't posted for a while and haven't been supportive like I'd like to be...I think that part of the reason is because I am busy with three children under the age of 3 and also partly because I have been dealing with my symptoms negitavely. I want so badly to be the success story, to...
Poll helps
Hi all - I was glad to see this poll! I have had varied levels of external shakes over the years and they in themselves were triggers for me because I was in a walk in refridgerator during the robbery I was in. It was like a vicious cycle, I would have a panic attack about...
Glad you're here
Hi Tara - I don't think I could imagine a more traumatic event than trying to save your baby's life. It is really great that you were able to start a new life and family, but you will have to go through some work with yourself to get through the PTSD. I am a mom to twin 2 &...
Same boat
Hi mumtofour - I just wanted to let you know that I understand your anger and confusion. I too have a husband that says those horrible things to me and I too have thought about leaving him because I questioned how much he was hurting me in addition to dealing with PTSD. I have come...
So sorry
Hi Anon, welcome to the group. I am so sorry to hear that you had such a terrible experience at such a young age...I lost my very first boyfriend to suiside at the age of 13 and I can tell you that at the age of 35, I know that you will find love again. It is important for you to...