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    Has EMDR Worked For Anyone With Childhood Abuse PTSD?

    every tharapy seems to work for some and not for other
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    therapy did not help was more tharepist talking than me
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    I Am Not Dealing Well

    parents create the strongest culprint in our all depends how lucky you get good or bad is a fate....
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    Dealing With Noise

    I am allergic to neighbours....if I hear loud neighbour....I get crazy.....
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    Totally Lost My Ability To Look After Myself

    that is sad....why you don't care of yourself...eating better know bad food can cause more mental problems
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    Sufferer I Have A Really Bad Ptsd

    thank you guys...i see I am not alone...therapy does not work that least for me.....
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    Sufferer I Have A Really Bad Ptsd

    thank you, i am reading throught the forum now. many people with similar problems as mine....
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    Sufferer I Have A Really Bad Ptsd

    Hi, I have been severly abused in my childhood. I have all those vivid memories in my head....cant get the out..i am 25 yo...dunno what to do, i tried meds but I rather not take them, they make me feel like a zombie....