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  1. E

    Differentiating What Is Ptsd And What Is Just Negative Thinking Related To Events After The Trauma

    Thanks for your reply, I have seen the list of symptoms & definitely have a number of them. The negative thoughts & emotional responses are much worse when life is stressful but is concentrating on managing the PTSD the best way forward or should I be trying to deal with the other stressors. I...
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    Differentiating What Is Ptsd And What Is Just Negative Thinking Related To Events After The Trauma

    And that's where it matters (& I'm wrong in my knee jerk). Yep. It's pretty durn important IMO to sort out what's life-stuff & what's PTSD-stuff. As to effectively sort the problem that changes how I go about it. You make a lot of sense in that it only matters what is causing the problem so the...
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    Differentiating What Is Ptsd And What Is Just Negative Thinking Related To Events After The Trauma

    Sorry I didn't explain myself vert well. It is now 50 years since the original bushfire . In those days there was no support I was sent back to school the next day 'to take my mind off it.' & 'to give mum a break' both statements made by the person who gave us temporary shelter. The Black...
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    Differentiating What Is Ptsd And What Is Just Negative Thinking Related To Events After The Trauma

    I was originally told I had depression and GAD but My psychiatrist diagnosed me with PTSD and wanted me to have exposure therapy for it. My issue is understanding what symptoms are due to PTSD and what are due to negative events after the initial trauma and how to deal with them. The initial...
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    Sufferer Hi I Am New

    I posted more details re the initial trauma under Natural disaster. I was caught in a bushfire as a child and watched our house burn as we escaped through the smouldering bush.
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    Sufferer Hi I Am New

    Thanks I was doing well but am now feeling really stressed due to reports of bushfires and the smell of smoke. I have checked and the fires are nowhere near me but that doesn't stop me reacting badly
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    Sufferer Hi I Am New

    I saw my psychologist last Wed. After discussing what has been happening he decided the dailyreading I was doing for exposure therapy was too much /counterproductive as I was focusing too much on fires & the risk and becoming more restricted in my activities. We have changed focus at least for...
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    Sufferer Hi I Am New

    Thanks for your comments. I don't think volunteer work clearing firebreaks is practical for me. I am also a carer for my husband so I have limited time. Also I don't think I would have the strength to do it. The area we are living in now is supposed to be low bushfire risk but this doesn't stop...
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    Triggered By Therapy & Confused As To How It Can Help

    I have been seeing a psychologist for several years for multiple issues. Difficulty dealing with multiple stresses in life. My husband has a degenerative condition which has progressed more rapidly than we expected over the last few years He became blind We had to move as our old home was no...
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    Natural Disaster Anyone Elses Ptsd Caused From A Natural Disaster? Specificly A Tornado?

    We don't have bad tornados in Australia where I live but I was trapped in a bushfire which destroyed our home as a child and I have had other fires near our home Burning embers and sparks landing on our property. Wind and storms in the winter are fine for me but strong winds and hot weather are...
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    Natural Disaster Ptsd From Natural Disaster As Child Namely Wild Fire

    I live in Australia where wildfires are common. AS a 10 year old I was home with mum as I was sick and we were caught in a bushfire. Mum attempted to fight the spot fires which occured ahead of the front while I cowered inside waiting to die.We had no way of escaping as the fire moved too quick...
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    Sufferer Hi I Am New

    Hi I have recently been diagnosed with PTSD. and started Exposure therapy. I am having difficulty understanding how it will help me and at the moment it is stirring things up. I was caught in a bush fire as a 10 yr old and escaped from our burning house through smouldering forest. It has been...