Policy Enforcement
My autism worker today said she doesn't know how I'd be diagnosed with ptsd cause I have autism and she says autism is making it more difficult for me to process things. What do people think about this? Have you had a problem getting a ptsd diagnosis cause you already had an autism diagnosis? She also insisted that I had to tell them I'm autistic or they won't be able to help me but I don't want to tell them cause they used it as an excuse to get rid of me before when I was being treated for an eating disorder which they decided 6 months later cause 'you're autistic and don't like changes so the eating disorder diagnosis was wrong, it's just your autism' and then they wouldn't see me cause it now wasn't something they deal with. They knew I was autistic when they diagnosed me and I didn't give them any new information about my autism from then till my review 6 months later.