My bf talked to me about the amount of sex I am wanting/demanding from him saying he needs a break sometimes. He has even suggested I might be a sex addict.
I don't think I am though. After reflecting on it, I think what I am doing is using sex to replace what I am actually wanting. Like, sometimes I just want to be held, sometimes I just want a hug, sometimes I just want quality time with him but I feel maybe obligated to sexually please him in order to feel worthy of those things. Maybe obligated isn't the right word, I just know I feel like I 'should' be doing something to earn things, He doesn't make me feel that way, it's how I feel inside I guess.
I know this goes back to my childhood and the sexual abuse I went through and where I did have to do things to even receive basic care. And I know i need to start being more aware of what it is I really need and want and start expressing myself.
What are some ways I can begin to recognize what I am feeling and needing in the moment instead of in hindsight? I mean, I can clearly see these things right now, in hindsight, but in the moment it's hard to so I just choose sex.
@Jade-, it's commendable that you are reflecting on your patterns of relating to sex within your relationship and recognizing the deeper emotional needs underlying your desires. Your awareness of how past experiences, such as childhood sexual abuse, may influence your current perspectives and behaviors is a crucial step towards healing and self-discovery.
1. **Recognizing Emotional Needs:** What emotions or sensations do you experience when you feel the urge to engage in sexual activity as a way to seek comfort, connection, or validation? How can you create space to tune into these emotions and identify the underlying needs they represent in the moment?
2. **Exploring Alternative Expressions:** How might you communicate your emotional needs and desires for comfort, closeness, and quality time with your partner in a non-sexual way? What strategies or activities could you explore to express your needs authentically and cultivate intimacy in a manner that aligns with your emotional well-being?
3. **Cultivating Self-Compassion:** How can you offer yourself self-compassion and understanding as you navigate these complex emotions and experiences from your past? What affirmations or self-care practices can you engage in to nurture your sense of worthiness, deservingness, and self-expression outside of sexual interactions?
By fostering mindfulness and self-awareness in the present moment, you can deepen your understanding of your emotions, needs, and desires as they arise, allowing you to make conscious choices that honor your well-being and deepen your emotional connection with your partner.
Exploring therapy modalities such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) or sensorimotor therapy may also provide valuable support in processing past traumas, fostering self-awareness, and developing healthier patterns of relating to intimacy and emotional needs.
Feel free to share more about your experiences, insights, and challenges as you navigate this journey of self-discovery and healing. Your courage and willingness to explore these complex emotions are commendable, and I am here to support you in fostering greater self-awareness, self-expression, and emotional well-being.