Silver Member
I've been learning about the differences between hyperarousal and hypervigilance today. I seem to fit somewhere into both of those classifications to some degree but what really struck me was an article on Emotional Hypervigilance.
You know that phrase "take the temperature of the room?" Well I'm a living breathing thermometer always scanning for the next threat. At times I'm aware that I'm using this tool (as I've always called it... like its a gift) to camouflage or mimic those around me for acceptance. I think I just realized how much energy I use maintaining this state of awareness. Maybe that has something to do with the utter mental exhaustion I feel after being awake for 6 or so hours. Or even more so when in social situations.
I'm pretty sure it extends beyond in localized interactions. I find myself emotionally over-relating to basically any human, even on TV. Then I look at myself from their (perceived) emotional state and shame the hell out of myself.
Does anyone else experience this?
You know that phrase "take the temperature of the room?" Well I'm a living breathing thermometer always scanning for the next threat. At times I'm aware that I'm using this tool (as I've always called it... like its a gift) to camouflage or mimic those around me for acceptance. I think I just realized how much energy I use maintaining this state of awareness. Maybe that has something to do with the utter mental exhaustion I feel after being awake for 6 or so hours. Or even more so when in social situations.
I'm pretty sure it extends beyond in localized interactions. I find myself emotionally over-relating to basically any human, even on TV. Then I look at myself from their (perceived) emotional state and shame the hell out of myself.
Does anyone else experience this?