...Well, I was typing along, almost finished getting my thoughts down in response to Auburngirl's question, when my right hand clunked against some keys, and poof, an MSN tech-homepage took over my screen. "What the f***!" --> I got really steamed for a minute! Then thought, "What the hell...start again..."
First rule: do not go to bed if you are even remotely pissed off!
If you're feeling scared or sad...bed can be the best place to be. But anger...makes you simmer and stew; boils you alive.
Um...have something soft, squishy, and a little plump (but with a lot of "give") in bed with you...a teddy bear ... pillow ... old, beloved balled-up nightgown ... preferably something that you can drool on, sob into, honk and sniffle and dream all over :wink:. Hold on; yum yum.
If desired, cuddle up with a cat, a dog, or another human :Hug_emoticon:
The right nightlight can make your room seem candlelit...
Hot milk with a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of vanilla...teddy for the tummy (as contrated with a "hot toddy," which can also be helpful if taken in moderation :wink:)
If you nap...don't do it for over an hour. (I'm a blob for the rest of the day if I do this!)
Make your bedroom a safe, sacred space.
Bathing...with pure oils, etc. -- by candlelight -- with certain music soothing you -- does it for me (almost) every time.
Speaking of music: Check out anything by Liquid Mind/Chuck Wild. It'll make you melt :smile:
Fresh air...
As for concentration...mine always sharpens after I've moved. Walking ... stretching ... yoga ... dancing ...whatever. Never fails...as long as I, ahem, do it long enough...
Speaking of which, I need to go now...my right foot is asleep...:rofl: