New Here
First off, I am a bit slow. It may take me a while to figure out where to turn next. I suspect I have autism, and ADHD. My mirror shows that I may have a genetic condition. A condition that as a male may have gotten me kicked out of the men's rest room, for looking too feminine. In fact guys have pointed me towards the women's rest room. Not that I am complaining, because I am transgender.
Somebody got hurt, and I was never asked what happened. I was told by my dad that I was to keep my mouth shut as he did not want to hear any of my lies.
My sister's version was believed, my version was rarely heard.
I come from an era where males were never raped or abused. In other words the sexual abuse at 3 years of age never happened. I pick that age because the guy disappeared out of my life and I didn't remember it. after my dad died, 30 years later, this man returned and I started getting severe head pain. I heard he had abused his own daughter. I mentioned it to my mother and she told me not to lie. I wonder what else was going on, as when he returned he had no problem sleeping with my mother.
I thought it quite odd that I felt like I had been raped, and that the person who raped me was the same person who punished me when I was falsely accused of having sex with his sister. Sometime I think it was not about punishing me, but getting his jollies by fondling me. He was about 3 years older than me. When I stayed over at her house, I had to sleep in his bed.
I guess I can say that my dad stole some silver dollars from my mother's jewelry box. It didn't seem to bother him that I got blamed. I found them in his safe after he died. The years on the silver dollars corresponded with the years my siblings and I were born.
I heard that his badge and gun proved that he never lied. I accepted the story he told to his buddies of how he won his roller skates in a raffle. The real truth was that I was the one who won the skates in a raffle.
one more for now. That any ache or pain that I felt was an attempt to get out of doing work. but he could say he could not do any work because of his smashed fingers.
Somebody got hurt, and I was never asked what happened. I was told by my dad that I was to keep my mouth shut as he did not want to hear any of my lies.
My sister's version was believed, my version was rarely heard.
I come from an era where males were never raped or abused. In other words the sexual abuse at 3 years of age never happened. I pick that age because the guy disappeared out of my life and I didn't remember it. after my dad died, 30 years later, this man returned and I started getting severe head pain. I heard he had abused his own daughter. I mentioned it to my mother and she told me not to lie. I wonder what else was going on, as when he returned he had no problem sleeping with my mother.
I thought it quite odd that I felt like I had been raped, and that the person who raped me was the same person who punished me when I was falsely accused of having sex with his sister. Sometime I think it was not about punishing me, but getting his jollies by fondling me. He was about 3 years older than me. When I stayed over at her house, I had to sleep in his bed.
I guess I can say that my dad stole some silver dollars from my mother's jewelry box. It didn't seem to bother him that I got blamed. I found them in his safe after he died. The years on the silver dollars corresponded with the years my siblings and I were born.
I heard that his badge and gun proved that he never lied. I accepted the story he told to his buddies of how he won his roller skates in a raffle. The real truth was that I was the one who won the skates in a raffle.
one more for now. That any ache or pain that I felt was an attempt to get out of doing work. but he could say he could not do any work because of his smashed fingers.