Another slightly vauge intro - but in following the guides :p
# Name
my name is Ben , i live In local Ryde in Sydney.
I have PTSD or some offset of it ~ and its a breaking point of information and anxiety that brings me here.
My story is short -
Lived a relitivley normal life until 3 years ago , where i was at La Parouse in my car with my gf at the time . We sat as a couple (as you) looking out at the harbour and all that when about 2 hrs later a random stolen car with 6 males pulled up next to us.
They Quickly surrounded my car and started kicking and thumping it ( i tried to start my car about 3 million times but being a carby dosent help :().
One guy then put his boot thru my drivers side window half-knockign me out.
Two men pushed half into that window , one with a big knife and the other screaming and yelling and punching me - i yelled at them for what they wanted and they stabbed me once thru my left side of my upper chest and once into my cheek. From adrenalin i didnt notice any of this and i gave them my wallet and phone and told them to "go away" ( in not so many words)
they left quickly and then the man with the knife came back and launched the knife into the right side of my chest and boy if theres something i recall , its the feeling of a knife scraping against the back of your ribcage...not to mention class cubes and that luke warm copper taste of blood in my mouth.
They dissappeared , i spewed blood and then began massive blood loss-induced hallucinations ( you know , seeing bright multicoloured pyschodelic shapes and images etc) , My gf Flora was unharmed but i just dont recall anything else - i faded , and sunk it seemed 10 foot below the car and accepted death.
I pretty much held my breath to calm down and rested and said i loved her.
And then i came to as a ambulance person was pulling me out of the seat , knocked out again. Came to again randomly - in the ambulance , just rollign into POW hospital , waking up on the operating table ( that dam big light left 4 spots in my eyes for weeks lol) and then cold black for sooooo long.
I really dont know - only 3 days later i was "concious" with a iron lung and tubes all over the place - and it took about 1 month in the hospital to get back into it plus about 3 months at home resting etc etc etc
Lucky or whatever i had a hint of disappointment yet acceptance that i didnt actually "die" - its just a situation i cannot describe in words.
Just alittle bit after i was "fit" and at home with mum and my sister , my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and simply vanished within 2 weeks. The only half decent person in my life ( dads an womanising ass) taken right after i wasnt. I dont see this as a "subjective" issue in my own PTSD , but its a clever icing on the cake and i cant be selfish and add to my own sorrows. But dam i miss her more than anything.
*warning : brain splurge moment*
Where does that bring me now ?
Im 23 , own my mothers house with myself , my fat cat , my sister and 3 boarders living here.
Some would say on the outside , im doing alrite. I dont drink , smoke , take drugs ~ i eat quite healthy and try to excercise abit if my body allows.
Im not poor and earn abit of money here and there but my biggest problem is my abilty to concentrate and apply my brain to any given topic....after i was stabbed and "better" i forced myself to go to a TAFE course and keep sane - which worked for 1 year or so. More and more...i feel my mind working far more efficiently than those around me and simply i get BORED sitting in class as the interllectual content is non exsisitant. I make up my own problems and solutions and constantly doodle on paper and whatnot - before all this i have been a solid creative acheiver and have numerous jobs and experiences in the design/art/engineering field.
But now. Im sitting in a cycle of wake up , eat , look on the net ( i run a car enthusiast website to keep me occupied) , eat again , casual work then just sit on the net until i sleep. Day in day out . I have no definite plan - i earn enough money to live and save abit so my situation just "sits" in neutral.
Yet again , after i came out of my stabbing incident i was helped alittle by the VVC , with a small compensation payout and "8 hrs of counselling" (gee , thanks !) and then basically pushed back out into the real world expected to rot in some form of mental breakdown.
The laugh is on them for now :cool:
But one thing i can see i need is to TALK more and more and more about "this". No one can relate to me and i seek some capacity of "normality" to deal with these people with everyday life.
Thanks Ben
# Name
my name is Ben , i live In local Ryde in Sydney.
I have PTSD or some offset of it ~ and its a breaking point of information and anxiety that brings me here.
My story is short -
Lived a relitivley normal life until 3 years ago , where i was at La Parouse in my car with my gf at the time . We sat as a couple (as you) looking out at the harbour and all that when about 2 hrs later a random stolen car with 6 males pulled up next to us.
They Quickly surrounded my car and started kicking and thumping it ( i tried to start my car about 3 million times but being a carby dosent help :().
One guy then put his boot thru my drivers side window half-knockign me out.
Two men pushed half into that window , one with a big knife and the other screaming and yelling and punching me - i yelled at them for what they wanted and they stabbed me once thru my left side of my upper chest and once into my cheek. From adrenalin i didnt notice any of this and i gave them my wallet and phone and told them to "go away" ( in not so many words)
they left quickly and then the man with the knife came back and launched the knife into the right side of my chest and boy if theres something i recall , its the feeling of a knife scraping against the back of your ribcage...not to mention class cubes and that luke warm copper taste of blood in my mouth.
They dissappeared , i spewed blood and then began massive blood loss-induced hallucinations ( you know , seeing bright multicoloured pyschodelic shapes and images etc) , My gf Flora was unharmed but i just dont recall anything else - i faded , and sunk it seemed 10 foot below the car and accepted death.
I pretty much held my breath to calm down and rested and said i loved her.
And then i came to as a ambulance person was pulling me out of the seat , knocked out again. Came to again randomly - in the ambulance , just rollign into POW hospital , waking up on the operating table ( that dam big light left 4 spots in my eyes for weeks lol) and then cold black for sooooo long.
I really dont know - only 3 days later i was "concious" with a iron lung and tubes all over the place - and it took about 1 month in the hospital to get back into it plus about 3 months at home resting etc etc etc
Lucky or whatever i had a hint of disappointment yet acceptance that i didnt actually "die" - its just a situation i cannot describe in words.
Just alittle bit after i was "fit" and at home with mum and my sister , my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and simply vanished within 2 weeks. The only half decent person in my life ( dads an womanising ass) taken right after i wasnt. I dont see this as a "subjective" issue in my own PTSD , but its a clever icing on the cake and i cant be selfish and add to my own sorrows. But dam i miss her more than anything.
*warning : brain splurge moment*
Where does that bring me now ?
Im 23 , own my mothers house with myself , my fat cat , my sister and 3 boarders living here.
Some would say on the outside , im doing alrite. I dont drink , smoke , take drugs ~ i eat quite healthy and try to excercise abit if my body allows.
Im not poor and earn abit of money here and there but my biggest problem is my abilty to concentrate and apply my brain to any given topic....after i was stabbed and "better" i forced myself to go to a TAFE course and keep sane - which worked for 1 year or so. More and more...i feel my mind working far more efficiently than those around me and simply i get BORED sitting in class as the interllectual content is non exsisitant. I make up my own problems and solutions and constantly doodle on paper and whatnot - before all this i have been a solid creative acheiver and have numerous jobs and experiences in the design/art/engineering field.
But now. Im sitting in a cycle of wake up , eat , look on the net ( i run a car enthusiast website to keep me occupied) , eat again , casual work then just sit on the net until i sleep. Day in day out . I have no definite plan - i earn enough money to live and save abit so my situation just "sits" in neutral.
Yet again , after i came out of my stabbing incident i was helped alittle by the VVC , with a small compensation payout and "8 hrs of counselling" (gee , thanks !) and then basically pushed back out into the real world expected to rot in some form of mental breakdown.
The laugh is on them for now :cool:
But one thing i can see i need is to TALK more and more and more about "this". No one can relate to me and i seek some capacity of "normality" to deal with these people with everyday life.
Thanks Ben