Hello - PTSD From Parents Death

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ummm hi my name is Luke. im from southern california and am 6 months away from truning 18. i dont realy know if i have ptsd or not. well my dad died when i was 5 and i kinda blocked alot of that away. but in school i started reading "the catcher and the rye" and the main character Holden seems alot like myself and i am thinking that he had ptsd. but realy all that i know about it is from internet sites that i may be incorrect. so yeah.
Hi Luke, and welcome. Well, nobody would know if you have PTSD or not, except a qualified physch. You can read the [DLMURL="http://www.ptsdforum.org/thread6.html"]symptoms of PTSD[/DLMURL] for starters, which is a general outline of what people generally experience. If a person has one or two of the symptoms, then they don't have PTSD as such. Some people read it, tell themselves they have everything, then when assessed, actually don't, but do have something that is causing them trouble. It is really hard for anyone to just say, except a professional to actually diagnose you.

You have the trauma aspect which is what makes up the mold of it, but again, you need to seek professional counselling first, get referred to the appropriate physician for diagnosis, and let them tell you what is or isn't wrong with you.

I hope that helps a little... Your right, it does get quite confusing when you have all this information online, and no actual physician to clarify for you. Seek medical help and ask questions... trust me, if you have PTSD, a qualified physician who deals with PTSD persons, will know immediately. Those with PTSD stand out like a sore thumb to those who know what they are looking at, even without asking questions, they will know.
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well i realy cant go to a physician unless it was free. i live with my mom and two younger siblings so its hard to get somewhere and the money is also somewhat of an issue. but all the sites that i have been to have said that it only lasts for about 6 months. and my dad had died when i was 5 and all of a sudden its getting to me. so what i would like to know is if it only lasts for 6 months or not. cuse i have most of the symptoms under avoidance. i have talked to my councler at school and she said she isnt licenced to diagnose anything so she cant say and my friends at school say that all teens go through it so i realy am not sure.
PTSD is life long... once you have it, you never lose it. If you have PTSD, then you would generally need to be on medication of some kind to help control it. If you have only the one main symptom, then chances are you don't have PTSD. PTSD diagnosis from my experience is quite high, in that you need to have most of the symptoms before they diagnose with PTSD. Some just have the stress and anxiety, which they diagnose with Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (PTSS), which is simply cured by counselling and lots of talking about your issues themselves.

Quite honestly, I hope you don't have it, as I wouldn't wish PTSD upon anyone... ever. Your life is never the same again. You can't socialise, stand crowds, you get violent within situations that you shouldn't, your stress levels are quite high, etc etc etc... all from your previous trauma/s.

My advice would be to get in with more sessions with your councellor and talk about everything, as open as possible, and see if that helps you. If it doesn't, then you will need to get to a qualified physician for advanced treatment / diagnosis, to find out exactly what is wrong.
thanks i kinda think i pretty much think i have it but since i have had it for so long i never noticed it. but now turning 18 in 6 months its getting very depressing. i realy dont want to grow up. plus all of my friends are growing up and its like im somewhat stuck behind in my mind but everything else is moving forward. but i think i will talk to my councler tomorrow.
Yer, that would definately be a good move to talk with your counsellor and see if there are free alternatives to getting professional treatment and diagnosis. Goodluck... cause if you have PTSD, then your going to really need a good support network, hence why we are here to begin with. Keep us informed!!!
i talked to her again and she refered me to a free lisenced councler that is part of my school district but seprate from the acedemic part. my mom said that she can get me in to a therapist that is on our medical but we need the school to refere that i should. so im going to go in and talk to her again on tuesday.
Good stuff... if there is a will, there is a way. Looks like you have found it. The one thing is that guaranteed with therapy, is that you will get pissed off just getting people to send you their, which is really just backward IMO, especially when people identify within themselves they need help... its a strange world. Good to hear that things are rolling along now though... keep us updated if you can please... its always good to hear that people are helping themselves.
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