Hi Luke, and welcome. Well, nobody would know if you have PTSD or not, except a qualified physch. You can read the [DLMURL="http://www.ptsdforum.org/thread6.html"]symptoms of PTSD[/DLMURL] for starters, which is a general outline of what people generally experience. If a person has one or two of the symptoms, then they don't have PTSD as such. Some people read it, tell themselves they have everything, then when assessed, actually don't, but do have something that is causing them trouble. It is really hard for anyone to just say, except a professional to actually diagnose you.
You have the trauma aspect which is what makes up the mold of it, but again, you need to seek professional counselling first, get referred to the appropriate physician for diagnosis, and let them tell you what is or isn't wrong with you.
I hope that helps a little... Your right, it does get quite confusing when you have all this information online, and no actual physician to clarify for you. Seek medical help and ask questions... trust me, if you have PTSD, a qualified physician who deals with PTSD persons, will know immediately. Those with PTSD stand out like a sore thumb to those who know what they are looking at, even without asking questions, they will know.