Hello - PTSD From the Gulf

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never much good with intros, im jon, currently a mature student, have been around a lot, grew up out in the gulf and saw a lot of bad things was out there during gulf1 which has stayed with me since, in some ways had a rough life and a lot of bad things happen, managed fairly well till gulf2 when things went very b ad, got over a lot of things and pulled myself together enough to be getting on with life and doing a degree in archaeology, psychs finally agreed i had ptsd threeand a bit years ago, things are fairly ok most of time but things tend to sneak up on me unawares, currently in bristol in uk, most of the time im ok but as i have been reminded even something as simple as the sound of a huey can mean things creep back, i can be a bit of a grumpy beggar at times but never mean it, currently moving forward in life but still have the ever present past with me, anyways came across here while looking at the net and thought i would say hello.
Hey Jon, glad to have you here. Gulf ha... that would have been quite surreal, especially being around that country both times! Its a funny thing this PTSD, in that we just start to get a grip on ourselves, then bam, something triggers us again and its like starting all over again. I guess once we do get a grip, it does stay to a certain degree, and coping gets much easier? Well, that is my perception on my life anyway.

Archaeology ha? That is quite a different field nowadays. It seems less and less you find them! I imagine it would be very intesting actually, just thinking about historical content and artifacts. No doubt if you where in the practical side of things, ie. digging and exploring, that would just be sensational. WOW... that is really a good choice for PTSD I think!!! Something with little stress, but lots of reward and job satisfaction.

How is the UK treating you anyway? I have a few mates over their... that tell me its always bloody cold, raining or stinking hot. Never seems to be a comfortable standard with the weather from what I'm told...
archaeology is relatively stress free, an archaeology degree means you can work in most heritage/museum/excavation fields, there are fewer stuffed shirts than most proffession and most archaeologists look like scruffy beggars but half of them have phds,you can work anywhere in any country as theres always a history to be investigated somewhere,hard work at times but good fun and mostly good people, fewer people to deal with as well, its a good life, uk weather, either cold,coldand wet, cold wet and windy, windy and wet or wet, when the sun comes out its quite nice. used to it now, clear sunny and about 14c today, a warm winters day,to an aussie the uk would be cold, have a friend in nsw who was complaining it was 20c, its been around -1 to2c for a while now,

as you say starting over can be a pain but got to know meself so i can try and catch things before they get too bad, went through a year of constant reminders with the last gulf on tv 24 hours, pushed me past most things resembling reality , but its fine most of the time now, just dont like being woken up by fireworks and watching middle east stuff, fine with seeing images from other conflicts just cant take the gulf footage,which is a bit of a pain with news being the way it is at moment,

uks ok its home now really, moved around too much growing up , been here 11 years solid now, apart from a few months overseas every now and then,so its near enough home, one good thing about aarchaeology is you get to travel so theres always something to see.
That sounds excellent. My brother-in-law has dual citizenship with Australia and UK, so I guess my wife could get it also if she wanted, though isn't really interested at present. We are planning to visit their next time he goes back, which should be some time this year hopefully... Yer, the temperature their vs. here, hell yer that is cold. I rug up around 15c, so yer, I would be freezin my arse off over their.

I know what your saying about seeing the news and so forth, hence why I generally don't watch it. Every time I think, "ok, it should be alright to watch now", bang, something on there that upsets me again... so I really just give up with it nowadays. Reporters 90% of the time report the bad stuff, because thats what the public wants to see... and thats what gets viewers / readers. If they had my sort of news, ie. just the good stuff, then nobody would really watch it. Damned if we do, damned if we don't, so I figure stuff it... I will just go ignorant to the news. I do subscribe to some news, so I can basically read it, instead of view it, which means I can delete anything with a heading I even think will cause me grief. I guess that is one good thing about the Internet and all the news upon it.

You sound like you cope alright, and honestly, from what your saying, your doing ok... I know the more you talk about it, the better it does get. I used to be a wreck, and I mean a wreck... I worked, I drunk, I fought, I basically played quite hard... It was something I become, and didn't even realise it... and more to the point, didn't even know about PTSD, nor that I had something wrong. To me, I was fine and everyone was messed up. Sounds so clear nowadays, but then!!!
sorry ive been away a while,if you come over try and make it in the summer its warmer and dryer, news is a pain, keep looking at the newspapers every now and then and they get me muttering quite a bit at times, am going very well at moment, a few years ago i was the other side of gone, nobody was in at times i would just be sat there rocking a bit staring at the room around, at other times doing e and e from paranoia of being followed by people who arent even on the same continent,wasnt operating in the same time zone or world as those around me, but went so far through i came out again a changed person, faced things in myself which were beyond bad made myself look at what was there, i wouldnt reccomend it as you can end up too far gone, luckily i came round and found that things could get better over time, made an effort in myself and found that over time in small steps i could move forward, change very small things then small things added up and so on, total desensitisation to most triggers and situations,immersion therapy some may call it,at some point i dealt with things , learnt to deal with anger although people still think im a grumpy beggar at times, most of the time im ok just odd times when im not so good, cant get over the sound of hueys, luckily there arent so many of them about nowadays, didnt know what was wrong for years a friend gave me a kick in the arse and i went and saw a psych though i never really got on with them that well they gave me a point of reference to work from. anchoring myself to small points of the world, a bit at a time, im a lucky person to go from where i was to where i am now, it took years and a lot of pain but i made it past the worst and found a way to live again, small steps are the key. my view of things in the world may be a bit jaded at times but i can get on with life. now my body is telling me what its been through and i have to look after it better, didnt pay enough attention to it before, anyways seem to have gone on a bit, when your in the forest you dont see the trees only the gaps between them, realisation of the probs in life is the big key to change.
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