I need everyone to know about this drug. It's called Auvelity.


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If there's one thing that I prayed to see happen during my lifetime, it's the legitimization of dextromethorphan (DXM) as a life-saving drug used to treat PTSD and depression. While it currently is only approved by the FDA for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), I have been self-treating with 120mg of DXM every day since August and I have seen a marked improvement of every one of my PTSD symptoms.

This drug going from being considered a "poor man's psychedelic" to "robotripping in the parking lot" (&& the negative reputation that people get for using it) to finally gaining recognition as a real treatment for mental health disorders has been some of the best news I've received in the last 10 years. This drug is going to help millions of people && I could not be more thrilled. I've known about DXM's efficacy since I was 16 years old. I used to use it in doses that would get me "high," but these days I don't even need to do that. My drinking is under control for the first time in decades, too, because I simply don't need to self-medicate anymore.

My relationship with my family has never been better. I go outside. I do chores. I have friends. I'm processing my trauma and attending therapy and seeing genuine results and learning to overcome my cognitive distortions and negative self-talk. I am relieved of the physiological symptoms of anxiety and panic and hypervigilance. This drug has been a miracle drug for me. I started at 300mg and have slowly gotten down to 260, and then 120. I genuinely believe this drug saved my life, and now it is FDA approved in a combination of DXM and Wellbutrin (buproprion, a DXM potentiator [it works synergistically with DXM & makes it so low doses are effective]).

While aware that I must sound like a pharmaceutical ad, this has been the key component of my medical treatment & has helped me with suicidal ideation and extreme trauma. If you are struggling with treatment-resistant depression or crushing PTSD symptoms, please check this drug out! It is legal and it has been proven in clinical trials to be very safe and tolerable. Not everyone is going to get the same positive effects that I did. Every person is different, so I'm not trying to sell you snake oil. But if you're struggling, this is worth looking into.

Full Efficacy and Safety Information.
NMDA Receptor Modulation for PTSD.
How Auvelity Can Help.
How Auvelity Works.
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If there's one thing that I prayed to see happen during my lifetime, it's the legitimization of dextromethorphan (DXM) as a life-saving drug used to treat PTSD and depression. While it currently is only approved by the FDA for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), I have been self-treating with 120mg of DXM every day since August and I have seen a marked improvement of every one of my PTSD symptoms.

This drug going from being considered a "poor man's psychedelic" to "robotripping in the parking lot" (&& the negative reputation that people get for using it) to finally gaining recognition as a real treatment for mental health disorders has been some of the best news I've received in the last 10 years. This drug is going to help millions of people && I could not be more thrilled. I've known about DXM's efficacy since I was 16 years old. I used to use it in doses that would get me "high," but these days I don't even need to do that. My drinking is under control for the first time in decades, too, because I simply don't need to self-medicate anymore.

My relationship with my family has never been better. I go outside. I do chores. I have friends. I'm processing my trauma and attending therapy and seeing genuine results and learning to overcome my cognitive distortions and negative self-talk. I am relieved of the physiological symptoms of anxiety and panic and hypervigilance. This drug has been a miracle drug for me. I started at 300mg and have slowly gotten down to 260, and then 120. I genuinely believe this drug saved my life, and now it is FDA approved in a combination of DXM and Wellbutrin (buproprion, a DXM potentiator [it works synergistically with DXM & makes it so low doses are effective]).

While aware that I must sound like a pharmaceutical ad, this has been the key component of my medical treatment & has helped me with suicidal ideation and extreme trauma. If you are struggling with treatment-resistant depression or crushing PTSD symptoms, please check this drug out! It is legal and it has been proven in clinical trials to be very safe and tolerable. Not everyone is going to get the same positive effects that I did. Every person is different, so I'm not trying to sell you snake oil. But if you're struggling, this is worth looking into.

Full Efficacy and Safety Information.
NMDA Receptor Modulation for PTSD.
How Auvelity Can Help.
How Auvelity Works.

Not sure if I am typing this in the right spot. Anyway, I read this post about DXM and it’s basically my exact experience. Used DXM (cough gels) to relieve suicidal thoughts and crushing depression. The DXM also increased my productivity at work (when I was working) and made my creativity flow much better. Anyway, I am now taking Auvelity which is a combo of DXM and Wellbutrin in an extended release tablet. It has completely transformed my life. I am leaving the house, feel engaged with my family, feel an interest in hobbies again, and on and on. I thought at age 50 my life was basically over. Auvelity has helped me “wake up” and become, I don’t know, like a human being again. It raised my blood pressure the first week or two I used it but now I’m fine. I have zero side effects. Well, maybe a little anxiety from the Wellbutrin. Auvelity is super expensive although it uses two ancient, almost no-cost compounds. But I would work full time and dedicate as much of my paycheck as possible to get this drug. Just work for the drug. Way better than living in a dark fog and thinking and dreaming about suicide. Total life changer. I tried like 15 or more SSRIs and other depression meds and they did nothing. Now I’m back and looking forward to 20+ years of life with my family.
Auvelity is super expensive although it uses two ancient, almost no-cost compounds.

This is the downside. My hope is eventually a generic version will be released so that people who aren't comfortable doing their own sourcing can also access this medication.

For me, I am comfortable with it and self-treat (....sorta? My entire treatment team know about it and approve, so whatever that is?) and I am also poor. I get a bottle of 100 pure pills (no added flavors, chemicals, alcohol or sorbitol) for roughly $50 CAD including shipping.

Each pill has 30mg and I take 120mg. So it's not perfect but this is a good solution for anyone who isn't insured (where it's over $500 USD for a quantity of 30 tabs, outrageous) or who doesn't live in the USA.

DXM Direct will ship them nearly anywhere now! I used to struggle being in Canada and needed an electronic warehouse to ship it to Alaska and then Canada lmfao. But now they have the Direct services.

Much cheaper than Auvelity and adding Wellbutrin should be pretty simple for most folks. I personally don't add Wellbutrin because I receive more benefits from DXO (one of the compounds it converts to, and Wellbutrin tends to inhibit DXO conversion) but that's just me.
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What? this sounds like a bunch of ad non_sense
this auvelity drug almost caused me to take my life
my doctor was fully aware of all my diags
i will never_ ever take any "new" or "fast" "cures" for depression
bunch of shit
this auvelity drug almost caused me to take my life
my doctor was fully aware of all my diags
To very roughly generalize?

- 80% of people will respond to any psychoactive drug in roughly the same way.
- 20% of people will respond to any psychoactive drug in wildly different ways, up to & including “paradoxical effect” (IE the opposite).

Which is why the ginormous list of potential side effects? Is sooooooo damn big. And always includes the exact opposite of what a drug is “supposed” to do, as well as some seriously wacky WTF?!? effects.
What? this sounds like a bunch of ad non_sense
this auvelity drug almost caused me to take my life

Whilst it's regrettable that you had such a negative reaction, I made it perfectly clear in my opening post that not every person is going to respond in a positive way to the drug - and it is most probable that your paradoxical reaction was a result of the Wellbutrin component, not the dextromethorphan component.

bunch of shit

Every single study related to dextromethorphan has shown favorable progress in the vast majority of patients undertaking it. Is it every patient? No. Will some patients have paradoxical reactions? Yes. No one here is pretending otherwise. "This is all a bunch of shit" is frankly not helpful, nor scientific. To anyone who is struggling with depression to the point that suicide is on the table anyway, this is absolutely a logical drug for them to try. "This is all shit" is an emotional reaction, based on your personal experiences. Which are very likely due to the component of the drug I am not actually speaking about here.

I could say the same thing about every single antipsychotic drug, because I've had adverse reactions to them all to the point of abreaction - suicidal ideation, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, impulse regulation control, etc. Yet, many patients with severe and serious psychosis require these drugs to have any semblance of a normal life. Me going "they're all shit and this is bullshit and these drugs are all worthless" isn't purposeful.

You need to separate your personal reaction from the fact that by all standard scientific measures, dextromethorphan has an extremely safe profile (unlike antipsychotics, which have known permanent extrapyramidal side effects), with relatively few side effects, and is efficacious about 90% of the time in an extremely short period of time. That makes it a worthwhile drug to attempt for anyone struggling with major depression, even if the potential that it isn't going to help is there.
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If there's one thing that I prayed to see happen during my lifetime, it's the legitimization of dextromethorphan (DXM) as a life-saving drug used to treat PTSD and depression. While it currently is only approved by the FDA for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), I have been self-treating with 120mg of DXM every day since August and I have seen a marked improvement of every one of my PTSD symptoms.

This drug going from being considered a "poor man's psychedelic" to "robotripping in the parking lot" (&& the negative reputation that people get for using it) to finally gaining recognition as a real treatment for mental health disorders has been some of the best news I've received in the last 10 years. This drug is going to help millions of people && I could not be more thrilled. I've known about DXM's efficacy since I was 16 years old. I used to use it in doses that would get me "high," but these days I don't even need to do that. My drinking is under control for the first time in decades, too, because I simply don't need to self-medicate anymore.

My relationship with my family has never been better. I go outside. I do chores. I have friends. I'm processing my trauma and attending therapy and seeing genuine results and learning to overcome my cognitive distortions and negative self-talk. I am relieved of the physiological symptoms of anxiety and panic and hypervigilance. This drug has been a miracle drug for me. I started at 300mg and have slowly gotten down to 260, and then 120. I genuinely believe this drug saved my life, and now it is FDA approved in a combination of DXM and Wellbutrin (buproprion, a DXM potentiator [it works synergistically with DXM & makes it so low doses are effective]).

While aware that I must sound like a pharmaceutical ad, this has been the key component of my medical treatment & has helped me with suicidal ideation and extreme trauma. If you are struggling with treatment-resistant depression or crushing PTSD symptoms, please check this drug out! It is legal and it has been proven in clinical trials to be very safe and tolerable. Not everyone is going to get the same positive effects that I did. Every person is different, so I'm not trying to sell you snake oil. But if you're struggling, this is worth looking into.

Full Efficacy and Safety Information.
NMDA Receptor Modulation for PTSD.
How Auvelity Can Help.
How Auvelity Works.
If there's one thing that I prayed to see happen during my lifetime, it's the legitimization of dextromethorphan (DXM) as a life-saving drug used to treat PTSD and depression. While it currently is only approved by the FDA for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), I have been self-treating with 120mg of DXM every day since August and I have seen a marked improvement of every one of my PTSD symptoms.

This drug going from being considered a "poor man's psychedelic" to "robotripping in the parking lot" (&& the negative reputation that people get for using it) to finally gaining recognition as a real treatment for mental health disorders has been some of the best news I've received in the last 10 years. This drug is going to help millions of people && I could not be more thrilled. I've known about DXM's efficacy since I was 16 years old. I used to use it in doses that would get me "high," but these days I don't even need to do that. My drinking is under control for the first time in decades, too, because I simply don't need to self-medicate anymore.

My relationship with my family has never been better. I go outside. I do chores. I have friends. I'm processing my trauma and attending therapy and seeing genuine results and learning to overcome my cognitive distortions and negative self-talk. I am relieved of the physiological symptoms of anxiety and panic and hypervigilance. This drug has been a miracle drug for me. I started at 300mg and have slowly gotten down to 260, and then 120. I genuinely believe this drug saved my life, and now it is FDA approved in a combination of DXM and Wellbutrin (buproprion, a DXM potentiator [it works synergistically with DXM & makes it so low doses are effective]).

While aware that I must sound like a pharmaceutical ad, this has been the key component of my medical treatment & has helped me with suicidal ideation and extreme trauma. If you are struggling with treatment-resistant depression or crushing PTSD symptoms, please check this drug out! It is legal and it has been proven in clinical trials to be very safe and tolerable. Not everyone is going to get the same positive effects that I did. Every person is different, so I'm not trying to sell you snake oil. But if you're struggling, this is worth looking into.

Full Efficacy and Safety Information.
NMDA Receptor Modulation for PTSD.
How Auvelity Can Help.
How Auvelity Works.
I was very interested to read your post months ago. I have taken Wellbutrin along with my go-to Med Pristiq in the past and found it helpful but as it is not on funding in Australia for PTSD Or Depression I felt I could not afford to stay on it long term.

I put in an order. Thank you so much for supplying the details. I appreciate that helpfulness.

I have now been taking it for two months, I think. Timelines are not my strength. I am only on 30mg at present. My dose is 15mg AM and again at 2pm. I find I no longer need to take anything to go to sleep. I can turn everything off and talk myself down into sleep for the first time in years. The drug itself does not make me sleepy. Reading this now, I realise I could take the dosage up now to 60mg per day. I no longer go down he shit Shute in the afternoons.

I will report back to this thread in time with any further thoughts and observations.

As an aside, my husband and I have been seeking an autonomous solution to the affects of his Aspergers syndrome. He has also been taking the DXM and had been on Wellbutrin for a year. He has now decided to trial coming off the Wellbutrin and sticking with the DXM. As there is no recommended medication to help with ASD we feel we may be onto something now after reading about the DXM on this thread.

Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information. I do know how frustrating it is when you take the time to do so and all you get back is negatives. I am very grateful to you for your time and generosity of spirit.
If there's one thing that I prayed to see happen during my lifetime, it's the legitimization of dextromethorphan (DXM) as a life-saving drug used to treat PTSD and depression. While it currently is only approved by the FDA for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), I have been self-treating with 120mg of DXM every day since August and I have seen a marked improvement of every one of my PTSD symptoms.
Im si glad you are feeling and functioning better! I just got home from my dr office and he put me on Auvelity. I have such bad PTSD and TRD. I’m 56 and have been on everything u can name !! I can wait to try it but my ins. Co wants 1,509.00 per script. No way I can do that !!!! How did u get urs and can u help me … pls. I have to get better!!
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Im si glad you are feeling and functioning better! I just got home from my dr office and he put me on Auvelity. I have such bad PTSD and TRD. I’m 56 and have been on everything u can name !! I can wait to try it but my ins. Co wants 1,509.00 per script. No way I can do that !!!! How did u get urs and can u help me … pls. I have to get better!!
If you look at Weemies' post on May 19th, she has given details there of where to buy it. It is not expensive. I bought some from Australia and had no problems.

My husband is taking it for Aspergers. I did start off on a very small dose and did not continue as I had another health problem at the time. I need to get back into doing a trial of it.

This is the downside. My hope is eventually a generic version will be released so that people who aren't comfortable doing their own sourcing can also access this medication.

For me, I am comfortable with it and self-treat (....sorta? My entire treatment team know about it and approve, so whatever that is?) and I am also poor. I get a bottle of 100 pure pills (no added flavors, chemicals, alcohol or sorbitol) for roughly $50 CAD including shipping.

Each pill has 30mg and I take 120mg. So it's not perfect but this is a good solution for anyone who isn't insured (where it's over $500 USD for a quantity of 30 tabs, outrageous) or who doesn't live in the USA.

DXM Direct will ship them nearly anywhere now! I used to struggle being in Canada and needed an electronic warehouse to ship it to Alaska and then Canada lmfao. But now they have the Direct services.

Much cheaper than Auvelity and adding Wellbutrin should be pretty simple for most folks. I personally don't add Wellbutrin because I receive more benefits from DXO (one of the compounds it converts to, and Wellbutrin tends to inhibit DXO conversion) but that's just me.
Do you take your dose in the AM or PM? Also what is your weight please, so I can get a general idea of dose per weight. I will discuss with my doc of course, this is for a gauge.
Do you take your dose in the AM or PM? Also what is your weight please, so I can get a general idea of dose per weight. I will discuss with my doc of course, this is for a gauge.
AM only - even low levels of DXM will make it difficult for you to sleep if you take it before bed. You should aim to take your last dose, if you break it up into 2 as done with Auvelity, at least 6 hours before going to sleep. I take 120mg once per day in the morning, and I weigh ~110-115 lbs (my weight tends to fluctuate, but usually no higher or lower than that).
Thank you for responding. I am curious about this med for myself. My husband has been taking it for his focus. (He has Aspergers) He finds it really works for him. I did try it for myself to see if it lifted me on days I get SI after stress, but I must admit I didn't give it a proper go and only took one pill each day which was a 50mg, I think. (I am in bed and too lazy to get up and check the bottle). I bought four bottles easily through the source you recommend to use. Thank you very much for that.

I did read in your initial posts about it that you achieved so much more in your day and were able to go out and socialise. I have found I have shrunk my life down more and more in the past year or two.

Can you tell me how you feel physically and emotionally when you take the DXM please. I am constantly curious about medications and how they affect us all and affect different conditions. I want to explore it further as I am truly tired of the struggle.

As a background, I take Pristiq Dexvenlafexine (sic)....occassional Tramadol for Fibromyalgia pain (Tramadol is amazing for reversing SI from stress for me. I would dearly love it to be prescribed for PTSD/Depression on a daily basis. It makes me feel like a happy normal human being. I also occasionally take a tiny dose of Oxazepam if anxiety takes over but that is usually a quarter of a pill just to get the lump out of. my throat.

Any further insight you can offer is much appreciated. I want to find a balance to live the rest of my life with a reasonable level of normality and without the fight to obtain meds that work for me.

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