In March 2011, my 23 yo daughter, only child and love of my life, suffering diagnosed schizoaffective, ended her life. She got away from me that day seeming in a better frame of mind in a rapidly developing serious illness. Psychiatrist told me she might never be able to live independently so to give her freedom if she wanted to do things independently. I had a Spyware on her PC and that morning I saw she had watched a questionable video involving a firearm but it just didn't stick, my mind rationalized it. Tragically, I gave her the keys to her Jeep so she could go shopping for an electric blanket. For 3 years I've b been in trauma therapy trying to overcome the certainty that god gave me that video to stop her and I failed. I had a colonoscopy yesterday and it disrupted me emotionally, I can't handle health scary stuff to begin with from childhood serious pneumonia I a and my mother's personality disorder. I just had a horrific nightmare, it's 6am the day after the procedure. My life is destroyed from losing her and I didn't want to wake from the propofol. Except for my therapist, I have no one. The PTSD has totally become a monster. I lost my f a with in god, if it exists I hate it for doing this to her and to me. 50 minutes a week with my therapist isn't enough. I'm old now, I was 40 when I had her, but I'm in excellent health and terrified to age alone. My world view is someone else's, I've lost my self, I don't kn I w who I am and I don't care.