I was just wondering how others cope with nightmares. I'm so burnt out and overwhelmed right now with work and other crises, I'm feeling, well, overwhelmed! Last night I dreamed that my husband died. It was horrible. Then there were more bad dreams. This is the third night in a row this week that I've had bad nightmares. I have nightmares probably on average 4-5 nights a week. It seems like the only nights I don't have nightmares are nights in which I have a few drinks. But that is no solution, meaning I don't want to drink to excess in order to avoid nightmares! Yet, that's what I've been doing lately. I don't want to go onto another drug. I'm already taking Cymbalta, and that's already making me so tired all the time, I don't want to take anything else. If anyone has any ideas, I'd really like to hear them. Thanks in advance.