Vomiting from oral rape memories

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment. And I’m scared that the vulnerable position I will be in. Will trigger memories of being rapped. And whenever that happens I usually end up being sick/throwing up. I really don’t want to throw up at the dentist but it seems inevitable. Especially sense I’m doing emdr. And I’ve recently uncovered memories of being made to preform oral sex as a child. And my gag reflex has been horrible lately. The whole thing just feels inevitably awful. Does anyone have any advice on how to better handle this?
1. Did you mean to post this in Trauma Diaries? (If not, simply click report post & staff can move it.)

2. Whilst there’s a whole lot one can do to chip away at oral sex triggers (I’ve written about my own stuff here >>> Sexual Assault - Rape/exposure Therapy )... That took me about 6 months, so for an appointment tomorrow? I’d be looking at antianxiety meds (ideally) & blowing off a whoooooooole helluva lot of stress both before and after the appt. if I don’t have antianxiety meds. Dentists, however, if you give them a heads up in advance? Can usually Rx 1 or 2 pills for the appointment, itself. Like OB/Gyns they’re far more used to patients freaking out, than most other specialties. Because it’s a security risk, I don’t know many who keep meds in office, although some do, but if you rang them in the morning they could probably write a script for you to fill before your appt.
It was awful I didn’t throw up until afterwards though. Then I had emdr and hour afterwards and I threw up in her office three times. I still feel very sick and my brains playing tricks on me telling me I’m not safe. When logically I know I am
It happens.

I've had ... I guess I have to call them taste flashbacks. The first time was horrible. It was at work. I threw up. I went home. The second time was also bad, but I knew what it was and was able to regulate. The third and fourth times sucked but I was basically able to ignore it.

I think the dentist is bad for all of us. We're in a vulnerable position with an authority figure totally in control, working in our mouths. What most non-traumatized people hate is pretty much a worst-case scenario for us.

A lot of folks take a lot of medicine beforehand. Can you get anything from your psychiatrist for next time?
It happens.

I've had ... I guess I have to call them taste flashbacks. The first time was horrible. It was at work. I threw up. I went home. The second time was also bad, but I knew what it was and was able to regulate. The third and fourth times sucked but I was basically able to ignore it.

I think the dentist is bad for all of us. We're in a vulnerable position with an authority figure totally in control, working in our mouths. What most non-traumatized people hate is pretty much a worst-case scenario for us.

A lot of folks take a lot of medicine beforehand. Can you get anything from your psychiatrist for next time?
Probably I’ll ask my doc
I take double zofran before dentist appointments, emdr, and particularly hard therapy sessions where I think the topic may enter in to my mind and cause me to be nauseated.
Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment. And I’m scared that the vulnerable position I will be in. Will trigger memories of being rapped. And whenever that happens I usually end up being sick/throwing up. I really don’t want to throw up at the dentist but it seems inevitable. Especially sense I’m doing emdr. And I’ve recently uncovered memories of being made to preform oral sex as a child. And my gag reflex has been horrible lately. The whole thing just feels inevitably awful. Does anyone have any advice on how to better handle this?
I had this same problem - same cause too. I would suggest sitting down with the dentist - away from the chair and telling him about your fears. I just mentioned that I have PTSD from childhood. He was then able to accept and understand my fears. I have ladies do most of the work on my mouth and he just comes in and checks the work after they are done.

If he is a good dentist, he will understand how you feel. I discovered that mine was not even aware that this problem could even exist. He thanked me for bringing it to his attention, so he could do better with his other patients.

There are articles out there to share with him also. Some that deal specifically with going to the dentist when you have a past history like ours. If nothing else, let him read up on these.
I hope this helps you.

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