Research Childhood trauma, PTSD, resilience, and career choice


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I am an Assistant Professor at New Mexico Highlands University. My graduate students and I are looking for participants for our research on how childhood trauma, PTSD symptoms, and resilience influence career choice. We are interested in understanding whether people who have experienced trauma in childhood tend to choose helping professions, such as teacher, counselor, nurse, etc.
Here is a link to the surveys: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
Answering the surveys will take about 15 minutes.
We really appreciate your help!
In my experience people with childhood trauma either tend towards fawning/freezing versus fight modes. At a guess, the fight lot won't be drawn to helping professions, but I would be intersted in seeing if I am missing something completely.

I have noticed that so many on here were ables to achieve incredible things academically despite extreme situations. For me, my undiagnosed dissociative stuff really interfered with my schooling and me meeting my potential.
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In my experience people with childhood trauma either tend towards fawning/freezing versus fight modes. At a guess, the fight lot won't be drawn to helping professions, but I would be intersted in seeing if I am missing something completely.

I have noticed that so many on here were ables to achieve incredible things academically despite extreme situations. For me, my undiagnosed dissociative stuff really interfered with my schooling and me meeting my potential.
Thank you for sending this! Our hope is that people with high levels of resilience, and maybe this is due to substantial time passing, will still have enough fight in them to want to help others who have gone through similar experiences. People are more resilient and stronger than they think.
I bet that impeded your progress at school.
Our next project is looking at childhood trauma, ptsd, dissociation, and online risky sexual behavior. Dissociation can help us cope at the time.

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