Silver Member
My Tinnitus. Gets worse depending on what state my PTSD is. Anxiety, stress, lack of sleep, sort of thing.
Add SWMBO getting well angry as she talks to me but I can't hear her. Ouch, the occasional bruise happens.
So I went for a hearing test today. Now I know why I get to hear a mans voice clearly but a female voice, generally speaking, is muted a bit.
I've got "top end roll off". Eh, what? Both ears are ok at low frequencies but not high ones.
In my case, that's 50 (ish) to 2000Hz and a tiny bit more if my tinnitus isn't squealing too loudly.
That's why I'm better listening to a 2 way radio than voice on a VIOP digital phone.
That's because radio speech covers 300 to 3400 Hz while VIOP is digitised, a wide frequency range (Told almost HiFi quality) and again, I can only hear the low frequencies.
Then came the 20 plus questions.
How did I develop tinnitus, and what noises am I exposed to daily? What makes it worse, or tolerable.
Talking about PTSD to an audiologist who actually knows the problems with PTSD and hearing?
Wow, really refreshing to finally find someone that knows!.
End result? Two hearing aids next week.
I suppose the crunch points were, "you know you can't stop it, only make it more tolerable?"
That and sleep is important and tinnitus waking you up isn't 'healthy' for your mind or body.
Yep, that I knew. from old.
Interestingly I was told to go to sleep listening to "peaceful" sounds.
Wind through trees, rivers babbling, light rain but NOT thunder or waves crashing.
I am doing that already and I've got a few MP3 tracks which are dead soothing.
The problem being that I haven't got an MP3 player other my laptop. (I'm using VLC media player to play tracks but I also listen to them on YouTube)
A little tip for people in the same boat operating Windows "whatever".
Start the track playing, then open a command prompt and type in:-
shutdown -s -t and the time in seconds before your computer turns itself off. 1800 is half an hour, 3600 is an hour, 5400 is 90 minutes.
Practical Example? shutdown -s -t 3600 [enter] and the laptop will run for an hour then shutdown.
Nothing spectacular will happen unless you have typed it wrong and it says command not recognised. Try again, note the spaces as I have typed it.
Finally, type in one word 'exit' and press [enter]. The command (black screen) will disappear and you can settle back to going to sleep.
So now it's sleep time for me listening to "rain on a corrugated roof (no thunder)". One of my favorite 90 minute YouTube tracks.
Add SWMBO getting well angry as she talks to me but I can't hear her. Ouch, the occasional bruise happens.
So I went for a hearing test today. Now I know why I get to hear a mans voice clearly but a female voice, generally speaking, is muted a bit.
I've got "top end roll off". Eh, what? Both ears are ok at low frequencies but not high ones.
In my case, that's 50 (ish) to 2000Hz and a tiny bit more if my tinnitus isn't squealing too loudly.
That's why I'm better listening to a 2 way radio than voice on a VIOP digital phone.
That's because radio speech covers 300 to 3400 Hz while VIOP is digitised, a wide frequency range (Told almost HiFi quality) and again, I can only hear the low frequencies.
Then came the 20 plus questions.
How did I develop tinnitus, and what noises am I exposed to daily? What makes it worse, or tolerable.
Talking about PTSD to an audiologist who actually knows the problems with PTSD and hearing?
Wow, really refreshing to finally find someone that knows!.
End result? Two hearing aids next week.
I suppose the crunch points were, "you know you can't stop it, only make it more tolerable?"
That and sleep is important and tinnitus waking you up isn't 'healthy' for your mind or body.
Yep, that I knew. from old.
Interestingly I was told to go to sleep listening to "peaceful" sounds.
Wind through trees, rivers babbling, light rain but NOT thunder or waves crashing.
I am doing that already and I've got a few MP3 tracks which are dead soothing.
The problem being that I haven't got an MP3 player other my laptop. (I'm using VLC media player to play tracks but I also listen to them on YouTube)
A little tip for people in the same boat operating Windows "whatever".
Start the track playing, then open a command prompt and type in:-
shutdown -s -t and the time in seconds before your computer turns itself off. 1800 is half an hour, 3600 is an hour, 5400 is 90 minutes.
Practical Example? shutdown -s -t 3600 [enter] and the laptop will run for an hour then shutdown.
Nothing spectacular will happen unless you have typed it wrong and it says command not recognised. Try again, note the spaces as I have typed it.
Finally, type in one word 'exit' and press [enter]. The command (black screen) will disappear and you can settle back to going to sleep.
So now it's sleep time for me listening to "rain on a corrugated roof (no thunder)". One of my favorite 90 minute YouTube tracks.