He came home, after a drink about 3am....and was trying it on but I didn't want to and I honestly lost count of the amount of times I said no, stop....and he did stop when I told him too but also kept trying it on too. Then this morning, he asked if we were going to have sex before the little ones woke up and I said how I was tired because he kept waking me up and he said sorry and that was it for an hour, the little ones got up and went downstairs and when he heard them go dowmstairs, he said I'm just going to lay on top of you and I thought he was just messing around....but he pushed himself inside of me and it hurt me. I didn't tell him that, I don't know why I didn't tell him that. I even kissed him back. He didn't seem to think it was wrong, maybe he isn't wrong....it's not like I told him to get off me or stop and he was telling me how he loved me and I let him carry on. Maybe coercion?. I don't know why I'm sharing this. I just don't know what to think/feel about this. I don't want it to be another relationship where I feel worried about him going out drinking.