I first used this forum in 2009 and have introduction/trauma diary, etc. Now: A sadistic offender who abducted/coerced/sexually abused me as a child and returned me with no one the wiser is incarcerated in my small town with access to local media (newspapers & radio stations). I run a business with public events and volunteer often in the community, keeping my name almost entirely out of print and not advertising/seeking coverage in any way. This is harmful to my business growth, but I am wild with worry over what will happen if this offender incidentally discovers we now live only miles apart. "We" have a long history, and I was a key witness in his current incarceration which was scheduled to end 5/22/24 at his Earned Release Date, but he is electing to stay in prison until October 2032. He can change his mind at any time in between, it seems.
He's been in this prison for 10 years, and I have been (and was hoping to continue to) keeping my head down until May, but now that he has decided to stay I'm quite distraught, rather than relieved. He maintained secrecy of his abduction and years of abuse through strong physical and coercive control. Sometimes I can't explain why I'm worried about him, because it is all very emotional and confusing. I'm trying to work with the prison advocate to feel safer, but if a prisoner doesn't make specific threats, it appears there is nothing to be done.
I'm looking for others who have been abducted as children to connect with and learn about some things I can do to recover from this element. I've lived many years in fear, avoiding him, moving away from our shared neighborhood, keeping my name off the internet and scrubbing incidental references. I am on Facebook, they actually refused to remove him because he is still in prison and therefore not yet the Level III sex offender he will be released as. Instead they insisted I use my legal name rather than a nick name. I can't always tell if I'm scared about what might actually happen or if I'm still just terrified because of what did happen.
I only have a brief moment to post now, but I'm having trouble finding resources for recovery from abduction and coercive control. Thank you in advance, for reading this. I hope to contribute as able to other discussions.
He's been in this prison for 10 years, and I have been (and was hoping to continue to) keeping my head down until May, but now that he has decided to stay I'm quite distraught, rather than relieved. He maintained secrecy of his abduction and years of abuse through strong physical and coercive control. Sometimes I can't explain why I'm worried about him, because it is all very emotional and confusing. I'm trying to work with the prison advocate to feel safer, but if a prisoner doesn't make specific threats, it appears there is nothing to be done.
I'm looking for others who have been abducted as children to connect with and learn about some things I can do to recover from this element. I've lived many years in fear, avoiding him, moving away from our shared neighborhood, keeping my name off the internet and scrubbing incidental references. I am on Facebook, they actually refused to remove him because he is still in prison and therefore not yet the Level III sex offender he will be released as. Instead they insisted I use my legal name rather than a nick name. I can't always tell if I'm scared about what might actually happen or if I'm still just terrified because of what did happen.
I only have a brief moment to post now, but I'm having trouble finding resources for recovery from abduction and coercive control. Thank you in advance, for reading this. I hope to contribute as able to other discussions.