Poll Are You Artistic?

Are You Artistic?

  • Yes

    Votes: 402 88.2%
  • No

    Votes: 54 11.8%

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Funny - I don't know if I say that I don't place blame because I know it's the "right" thing to do (to take responsibility for my own actions) or if I say it because I actually believe it.

I should bring this up in therapy next week.
Absolutely bring it up!

That is why I like this site so much.....while "talking" to others, we jar loose some stuff that should be addressed.
This poll triggers me too. My aunt threw away a box that had everything I had ever written in it. Since then I can't even journal and when I do try it is so difficult to truly express myself. I even have a difficult time expressing myself on this forum because it is in writing form. My diary shows no emotion at all, just the facts. That's the best I can do right now I guess. It sucks really!
Even though my mother didn't actually throw out my oil paintings and drawings, she did toss everything else (especially my crayon box which I used constantly). I took the paintings and drawings with me when I moved into my own house-and stored them away.

Very occasionally, I will take one out and look at it-but that is rare.

I haven't painted a picture in 40 years. I have drawn a few times (literally 3), but I have hidden them away. Too embarrassed to let anyone see them. I have tried to take an art class, but wind up dropping out after the first session. Can't do it.

Actually it FEELS like my mother threw everything out-everything. And that is why I still resent her actions.

I no longer have any feeling of being artistic in any way. I always ask for someone else's direction when doing anything decorative.
I was serious...She threw away your creativity, so go get it back. Buy a new box....
Oh! Sorry- you are right. I should try again. Just never really thought it would be a very successful attempt.

I voted yes.
IMHO art is the ability to create something new. Something that was not there before.
I like to do crafting but not the usual kind. I paint murals but not the usual kind. I am an avid interior decorator but only in my home. An agoraphobic decorator---now that would be a comedy of errors
I've always been artistic in all sorts of ways....My parents didn't think it was a good thing to be and after the required 7th grade art course.....I was not allowed any more art classes which broke my heart!! unfortunately I have been so overwhelmed the past few months that I haven't made time to do any art....Feeling better and I think I'll go work on the frame that's the gift to my son and his new bride!!!! They've been married since last October.....I have tried a couple of weeks ago to get to work and did dig up the pictures I was going to do on it.....I am a poet and haven't been going to my writing group or taking my "writing time" Even if I have nothing to take I am going to push myself to go any way....I just might get some inspiration!!! AT PEACE AND LOVING IT
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