Sufferer CPTSD and social interactions

The 12 week timescale is for a single trauma. Like 1 rape, or 1 car accident.

EMDR is INCREDIBLY effective. Expect a helluva lot longer than 12 weeks if you’re looking at YEARS of trauma, rather than a few minutes of trauma.

I was wondering if EDMTR worked I was diagnosed with cptsd in 2017, I don't my eyes rolling now more than ever. The past few months it's gotten worse I just got out of the hospital last wee
Hi all,

I'm new here, Apologies if this has been discussed before. I'm reading on my mobile, so difficult to see all entries.

I was diagnosed with C-PTSD in 2017 and I'm now 48. My trauma is from childhood neglect and both sexual and physical abuse.
I'm wondering if anyone else has issues with thinking everyone hates them? I find it very difficult to read people and always feel unwelcome and unworthy. I don't like social situations and always ready to leave. I make sure I look at ways to get out and always on edge. I find social events overwhelming and very stressful. I'm hyper vigilant and I disassociate.

I'm also unable to take any criticism at all. I take it very personally.

I have a desperate need to be liked and fit in. During my school years, I kept myself to myself. I didn't make friends easily and dealt with bullying daily. So I never really fitted in anywhere, I was never comfortable at home or school. I still feel like this now as a mum with daughters and a loving husband. I never feel like I belong - even with them.

I'm really not sure if this is common or if it's just me.

Thank you for reading, its my first time reaching out.

I am new here to and saw your post. I am 58 and was just recently diagnosed with c-ptsd. I was sexually assaulted as a child and have been bullied and made a few friends but now I only have one friend that calls me every couple of weeks. I have been working with a therapist for about 4 yrs and have had 4 different therapists lol. I am having a hard time getting over the last therapist because I finally felt like she got me. I feel like I have been totally abandoned when her office canceled all of my future appts for the next 2 months. I to think that everyone hates me! I was bullied throughout my life and the last person that tried to bully me I stood up to and dared them to even try to touch me. I can totally relate to you!
well, are you awful? do you not think you have faults?
maybe re evaluate how you have been treating these people who avoid you.

if youve treated them well, then maybe youre being a little over paranoid, and i sympathize.

but maybe its you. pride makes us think we are so wonderful. we arent. were awful sometimes. own it. and stop it. humble down. treat people right.
most of the time when everyone avoids a person, that person is awful.

theres always time to fix awful things, good luck

if someone takes the time to criticize you it means they care about you
well, are you awful? do you not think you have faults?
maybe re evaluate how you have been treating these people who avoid you.
Think you’ve missed the issue.

Which is one of cognitive distortion, that is, believes ‘everyone hates me’, even though that’s not reality.

This is incredibly common with ptsd and/or traumatic childhoods. It reflects very low self esteem, and is very often accompanied by frantic over-compensating - being excessively nice, considerate and helpful, even to those who don’t deserve it.
I was wondering if EDMTR worked
EMDR is one of the gold standard treatments for PTSD.

There are 2-4 levels, however. IE There are 2 modern levels, and 2 outdated levels some practitioners have never bothered to recertify in but still used the outmoded techniques. So it is VERY worth finding out what certs your practioner holds. The old, or the new; the general, or the specialized/advanced.
EMDR is one of the gold standard treatments for PTSD.

There are 2-4 levels, however. IE There are 2 modern levels, and 2 outdated levels some practitioners have never bothered to recertify in but still used the outmoded techniques. So it is VERY worth finding out what certs your practioner holds. The old, or the new; the general, or the specialized/advanced.
It worked pretty good for me so far. My therapist has left the office indefinitely so I can’t ask her what certain she holds. She did the tapping technique on the inside and outside of my knees. Afterward I felt like I was on a cloud. I ended up laying on her couch almost asleep.
Hi all,

I'm new here, Apologies if this has been discussed before. I'm reading on my mobile, so difficult to see all entries.

I was diagnosed with C-PTSD in 2017 and I'm now 48. My trauma is from childhood neglect and both sexual and physical abuse.
I'm wondering if anyone else has issues with thinking everyone hates them? I find it very difficult to read people and always feel unwelcome and unworthy. I don't like social situations and always ready to leave. I make sure I look at ways to get out and always on edge. I find social events overwhelming and very stressful. I'm hyper vigilant and I disassociate.

I'm also unable to take any criticism at all. I take it very personally.

I have a desperate need to be liked and fit in. During my school years, I kept myself to myself. I didn't make friends easily and dealt with bullying daily. So I never really fitted in anywhere, I was never comfortable at home or school. I still feel like this now as a mum with daughters and a loving husband. I never feel like I belong - even with them.

I'm really not sure if this is common or if it's just me.

Thank you for reading, its my first time reaching out.
Your not alone Nikki JJ. There are many people that share the same feelings as you including myself. Do you feel "hate" or is it "mistrust"? Do you find comfort in pets like a lot of us?

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