I'm curious to know, does anyone else feel like it's hard to make genuine guy friends? I have one from high school but I used/still like him and he wants to hang out sometime. Although, he's usually busy with his art business and I'm left on read. He's a good friend just a little clueless lol. I also have a coworker with whom I have gone to coffee with once. When I asked again, he said he valued my friendship and went into a loooong paragraph on how a girl he went to coffee with thought he was leading her on. Red flag? Maybe. And like, it's fine, by now I'm used to the "friendzone". You see, I used to text him every week, but I'm trying to maintain some space at work. You probably figured out, he's my lastest crush. Big time. Kind, funny, helpful. It has been hard because he likes to playfully tease me sometimes, in a nice way. Is that something guys do?? The heck? Oof I'm obviously not used to that. My crutch is I always seem to fall for them. It's embarassing. But acknowledging it is the first step I suppose.