
The caterpillars ate every single damn leaf on the gooseberry bush, but not the fruit! Looking very naked now all the berries are off it too.


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Figs are starting to be ready! It happens so quick! They are small and green for months and then—BLOOP overnight!

And this beautiful love of mine had 8 blooms last night. Datura is generally considered a weed, is poisonous, and grows well in disturbed areas. When I see people intentionally growing it I feel a kinship with them 💚. My daughter says the blooms smell like an old lady, and not necessarily a nice one 🧙‍♀️
The deer we call ‘baby’ got in the garden and pruned my pepper plants haha

He left the liltte tiny chilis to keep growing, didn’t touch the red hot cherry peppers that are still green. I also wonder if the card was right in that plant because they really resemble ghost peppers (the other one I bought that I now think is cherry hot haha)

I had the first black raspberry 😊
Handful of raspberries and blueberries. this has become an addiction and my day doesn’t feel right until I have berries 🥰
@Rose White it’s interesting. I don’t know all they eat but my zucchini was untouched once when the deer definitely ate some wild flowers I transplanted into the fenced garden

They love foliage of veggie plants.

But didn’t eat any zucchini flowers either or zucchini leaves 🤷‍♀️

Everything is out of control but it’s nice though. The growth is run riot. I paid a lot of $$ for a new lawnmower and I don’t want to mow because it’s all flowers. It’s extremely hot and humid. Tropical. The plants love it. I had to carve a path through the pumpkins so I can reach the compost. I’m going to put straw or grass clippings under the pumpkins this year so they don’t have a punky side. At least it’s on the list. I don’t get around to things very well lately.
The figs taste even better the day after a good rain! The flavor is more… sparkly and layered. 🥰

Something about fruit… I like how my little tree just gives me a few each day. Which makes me wonder about commercial harvests… I don’t think they are picking daily—rather all at once. Maybe commercial trees are bred to ripen all at once or maybe certain species/varieties are more likely to do that? 🤔
My own potpourri. Lavender and Russian sage. My lavender problem is solved I think since my first one seems to be rooting itself. Came up on a handful of weeds actually. I just dug one up and replanted it. I know not to try and grow from seed but I have a couple pots full of about 15 seedlings now out of I guess a few thousand seeds. Gardening saves me. It’s rainy and hot and very high humidity today so inside, but I managed to go out there for a little. Plus we have 3 nice hanging plants on the porch now and a Venus fly trap that’s doing great. So entertaining.