How to continue daily life when you have a violent narcissist living nearby?


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Unfortunately, I have experienced a physical attack a while ago. The person who attacked me, did this because I did not salute him. At least that is the short version. I consider him as a violent narcissist who has been terrorizing anyone who does not bow for him.

Though the last few weeks have been better, I am still suffering from anxiety, anger, fear and frustration.

This person is a family member and trains his children to attack people who do not bow for him. One of his sons attacked me, the other son apparently attacked someone else. At this point I am worried for my safety, because I do not tolerate bullies. I am worried for the safety of my family, who do not like him either. I am also worried for the safety of his children who are quite possibly victimized. They are probably brainwashed and perceive every lack of obedience to their father as a threat at this point.

I really do not know what to do at this point. I am trying to continue my daily life, minding my own business, but the thought of facing him somewhere does keep popping up in my mind. Its like driving a car on the high road, while knowing that one of the wheels is of very bad quality but stopping is not an option....

I am seeking a therapist to discuss this, but I would like to know if you have experienced similar stories. What is wisdom?
empathy, jefferson. it's not an easy dynamic to live with.

i am not willing to diagnose the family member whom i trust to get violent at every opportunity, but a restraining order is my current boundary with him. i am grateful to report that he has no children to carry on his wisdom. i am equally grateful to report he currently lives a 3 hour drive from me. i didn't move because of him, but the geophysical boundary is reassuring.

healing hopes for all. no exceptions.
The fear of something can be overwhelming.

Can you have a practical plan in place if you do see them? Start recording on your phone?

Has anyone reported it to the police or put a diary together of the things they have done?
What is wisdom?
Knowing when to fight, and when to walk away.

How much of a threat is this person? On a scale of : A career criminal responsible for hundreds of deaths …to.. an abusive bully who gets away with treating people like shit because no one ever stands up to them?