Veiled, that is exceptional news. I have just vented some of my frustration with these idiot doctors who solve everything with drugs, and no time or inkling of care for their patients. They piss me right off, to say the least. I am not anti-medication, and not pro-natural, but I do sit on the fence and view both sides, because both sides do have things to offer.
I personally was on one medication for about 10 - 12 months I think, at which point I told my doctor I was getting off them, as whilst it tamed my anger and allowed me to learn, it certainly did me no favours with the increased suicidal thought and increased depression that I had to fight each day with good exercise. It sucked to say the least.
I remember Kerrie-Ann getting very grumpy with me when I took myself off the meds, telling me to go take them again, because I was so grumpy and miserable, hence my bodies withdrawal to the drugs, but after a month or so, suddenly I just got better, anger and hostility went away again, and I no longer had the severe depression or suicidal thoughts.
Here I was feeling so much better, and still educating myself on everything PTSD and symptom related, just as I still do today. Nugget is feeling better for it, you are feeling better for it, I am definately better for getting rid of them, and offcourse with logical steps, not just cold turkey, because that would create madness, no doubt.
I think once you begin to really hit that trauma, the rest of the symptoms slowly dissipate to a more bearable level, so the medications can be ridden, and then the residual effects and symptoms dealt with, all feeling much better with less issues.
Prescription drugs are terrible long term, and certainly nothing I would recommend to anyone to remain on past the initial trauma therapy. If people get on drugs and think they can remain on them with no self help and pushing themselves to rid the trauma, they are in for a rude shock.
I am now in the process of finding many naturopaths to contact in one hit, to alert them to this forum, and how their expertise may help others, and I don't care if they promote themselves a bit for people within that area of the world, because it is better than having people jumping on and off stringy meds that do more harm than good when addicted.
There are natural alternatives to even help get one through withdrawal from prescription meds, which actually near diminish the withdrawal effects completely, thus you just stop taking the natural medication a month or two after ceasing the prescription crap, and you walk away free as a bird.