This is experimental. So far, the evidence that it’s helpful for ptsd, when used with therapy, hasn’t been all that great.
I’ve got my name on a short list for a potential trial. The microdosing will occur in the context of 8 hours of therapy (in one day) per dose. Even in that format? It’s still experimental.
It’s not like drugs that you can take, with support from a doctor, and it will (all by itself) alleviate symptoms. And in the absence of a person who understands your issues, your diagnosis, and what to do with your brain while you’re under the influence, the potential for it to mess with (sorry, ‘rewire’) your brain in horrible ways, that leave you in a far worse position, potentially permanently.
I get the desperation. I do. But if people who know what they’re doing, who are using this substance in carefully controlled clinical settings, are still getting mixed results, is it really something you want to throw at your already struggling brain at home?
It took me more than 25 different trials to find a medication that worked for me. It took a number of therapists to find a therapist that worked for me. And it’s taken a lot of hard work - both psychological work and physical work, to get my brain reasonably healthy again. But there are always safer options to explore, and invest in, before experimenting with your own brain.
Be safe.