Other Neurodivergent vs neurotypical

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@EveHarrington What is the proper response? I thought I was being polite and respectful.

I can see how it fits in with your world view that you are intelligent and most everyone else is dumb.
Wow, that was unexpected. Have you read the entire thread? I am assuming not. I have never stated I thought everyone was dumb. I just did not have a better term, hence the thread. I am autistic with ADHD (just diagnosed) and have never had a way to describe my differences until now. I do not think everyone is dumb or stupid. I think everyone has their own level of intelligence. I just needed a way to differentiate the way my brain works versus yours. And now I do. So you can rest assured, I will not be using stupid, or idiot or dumb. Those were the only terms I knew. How was I supposed to know? No one took the time to teach me or correct me gently or even acknowledge I needed to be tested. Thank you for post.

But neurodivergent doesn’t apply to just the autism spectrum but also many other disorders. In this regard it is very different from diabetes as there are only 2 types of diabetes and they are similar unlike autism and ADHD which are very different.
Do you feel using ND/NT is offensive? Why not give people like me a vocabulary to use? A place to fit in when I fit in no nowhere else? At least a place to start when no one will help.

Actually, for me ASD/ADHD/CPTSD are not very different. Which is why I was misdiagnosed many times. As are many of us I have read. It was my persistence that finally got me the diagnoses that I have now.
I have to agree with Weemie. If there was not a disconnect, this conversation would not have happened (and I'm really glad it did, this is a great conversation). As a ND person, thinking about it will not help me. It is too abstract. Why do you think it is the opposite of a disconnect?
My point was even in disagreements, we can connect. And learn. I can't speak for @Weemie of course. But I'm glad we had this lil talk and I appreciate the clarification on how you view neurodivergence @Weemie.

What is too much? My dad tried to beat the differences out of me so I hid them to prevent physical/emotional/religious abuse. I conformed, stopped showing how smart I was, hid my gift at math (because girls are not supposed to be better at math than boys), got married, had a kid. I never wanted any of that but because my differences were not stressed and acknowledged, here I am. That led to CPTSD and no diagnosis for Autism. Now that I know, I am stressing it to everyone so that I can be me. Some get it, some don't but now I have more control over the people I allow into my life. If that was the intent of your comment. If not, I apologize and would like to understand better.
My statement was based on personal experience. As in, be wary of entertaining an us vs. them mentality. It is however completely legit to learn about yourself and you specific disability, which was also stated repeatedly in this thread. In narrative psychology, it is said that we create narratives that suits us -- some people like labels and find them very useful, others not so much, and it's all completely legit.
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