Silver Member
The Story first.
I nearly flipped today when I got a call from a NEW therapist I have never seen or talked to, who wants me to rewrite my nightmares with a happy ending.
He went on, "Then, when I next fight that nightmare, it won't worry me as it will have a "Happy Ending"."
That might work for some people and if it does I'm well pleased for them.
Me? Na, and I have tried that on loads of occasions over 30 plus years.
My reasonable side then gave him a chance and I read out one of my nightmares from my dream journal.
It ends, "We couldn't save any of the 7 adults and 5 children, and that is what still distresses me"
Then I asked him, "Now, please rewrite that ending for me so it turns out happy".
A funny thing happened then. After a long pause, the phone disconnected at his end.
It's been 12 hours, no calls.
I knew from my peer group that things had got bad over the last five years in the UK regarding therapy but this was not on.
For me, it's usually SOP to get to know someone, their background, previous life, and therapy history.
Also the why, the what, and how long it's been troubling them.
Just launching into a directive as it's going to stop the nightmares smacks of . . . . .
Woah! SWMBO just said, "Don't you dare say that!".
(Perfect answer for a happy marriage? "Yes Dear".)
Over to you.
I nearly flipped today when I got a call from a NEW therapist I have never seen or talked to, who wants me to rewrite my nightmares with a happy ending.
He went on, "Then, when I next fight that nightmare, it won't worry me as it will have a "Happy Ending"."
That might work for some people and if it does I'm well pleased for them.
Me? Na, and I have tried that on loads of occasions over 30 plus years.
My reasonable side then gave him a chance and I read out one of my nightmares from my dream journal.
It ends, "We couldn't save any of the 7 adults and 5 children, and that is what still distresses me"
Then I asked him, "Now, please rewrite that ending for me so it turns out happy".
A funny thing happened then. After a long pause, the phone disconnected at his end.
It's been 12 hours, no calls.
I knew from my peer group that things had got bad over the last five years in the UK regarding therapy but this was not on.
For me, it's usually SOP to get to know someone, their background, previous life, and therapy history.
Also the why, the what, and how long it's been troubling them.
Just launching into a directive as it's going to stop the nightmares smacks of . . . . .
Woah! SWMBO just said, "Don't you dare say that!".
(Perfect answer for a happy marriage? "Yes Dear".)
Over to you.