Relationship Trying to cope and understand my CPTSD boyfriend’s sudden leave

I feel like I’ve lost everything overnight. I’m so distraught and confused. I’d really appreciate some advice or insight from those who have been through similar situations or suffer with similar issues as my ex, but anyone is welcome. It’s been really hard for me.
 I’ve been doing research everyday since he left because it’s all I can think about.

Three weeks ago my loving boyfriend left me the day before I was supposed to move in with him. He told me he was bipolar—it seems to run in the family as his dad has it. Although, there’s no official diagnosis for him so I’m just considering it a possibility. He also struggles with ADHD, depression, anxiety, and PTSD from a traumatic childhood. His upbringing was incredibly rough, and since his dad left, he’s been working to support his disabled mom and younger sister since the age of 14. He was sexually abused at 5. He’d also been in a 4 year long abusive and toxic relationship before me, followed by a lot of short-term relationships. There’s a lot more to his childhood and frankly it’s the worst out of anyone I’ve known personally. When we met, I became his second longest (longest was the abusive relationship) and most serious partner (his words). He works long hours (up to 12-13 hours a day) as a cook, is unmedicated, and seemed to struggle quietly with his mental health. He’d told me he bottles everything in until he flips. I always tried to ask him how he’s doing, but he never seemed to want to get into it. He’s only 19, but had to grow up way earlier. We had genuine life plans up until the end.

The day he left, everything had seemed fine. We had been talking on FaceTime for hours, he told me he loved me several times, sent me cute posts, and wrote a love paragraph saying he’d always love and adore me, I’ll make the best wife, among a bunch of other things. He was laughing and smiling and making jokes. We played games, he was taking pictures of me, and he told me, as always, how much he couldn’t wait to see me and loved me so much before we went to bed. But when I woke up in the morning, at 3 am, he had dumped me over text, saying he was depressed, missed his grandfather, and didn’t want a relationship anymore. He even told me to find someone else. Since then, he’s completely cut me off, blocking me on everything possible.

Throughout our relationship, we never fought, although we had a few disagreements, nothing major. When I stayed with him in July for my birthday, everything was perfect—he showered me with affection, brought me food after work, and planned my birthday with dates, that went amazingly. We had always been there for each other. We were very attentive to each other. He did have a panic attack once, confessing how much he hated himself and was terrified of losing me among a bunch of other things. It makes his sudden leave even more confusing because everyone saw how much he loved me, even my strict parents, who were shocked by the breakup. He was always incredibly loving towards me and his affections never wavered or seemed insincere. He was so gentle and reassuring with me and genuinely a great boyfriend. Everyone that knew him also told me he was a great person. Even up until the end he’d want to sleep with me on the phone after work, and when he didn’t he’d send loving goodnight voice notes to me.

After I stayed with him in July, some things started to shift, although they didn’t seem to impact our relationship at the time. He was still so loving. Firstly, he’d had a huge argument with his mom, wished his dad dead out of the blue, and began talking more about missing his grandpa, whose 3rd year death anniversary is approaching in October. His grandpa was literally his only support system for awhile. He’d lived with him while his dad was in jail and his mom was in the hospital. It was his only stable environment. I had even bought him a customized acrylic memorial for his grandparents, which he loved. The night he left, we were talking about meaningful moments, and he mentioned the day with his grandpa as one he wished he could relive. He also told me he wanted me to always be happy.

He deleted me from everything that night—social media, a shared notes app, even our shared Hulu. But strangely, he kept our relationship status on Facebook up for a week and only recently deleted one photo from our first date. He was strangely active on Facebook after the breakup as well. His activity had been showing up in the middle of the night and he’d changed his profile picture from us to a picture of him from over a year ago, flexing muscles. He does not look anything like he does in that picture anymore, and hasn’t for months. He’s almost unrecognizable in it— his tattoos aren’t there, he still has piercings he no longer has, etc. After the breakup, he’d been posting self-destructive and lowkey suicidal song lyrics as statuses on Instagram, many related to exes and relationships. It’s the only insight I have into his feelings since he left me. All the songs basically had the same vibe. A few of them directly mentioning self destruction and wanting to die. The thing is my boyfriend always communicated through music. He’d often send me songs, tell me to read the lyrics, and say he feels that way. And when he’d been stressed in situations, as an example the argument with his mom, he’d post songs that he related to about the situation.

Everyone I know says he most likely has had a mental breakdown or episode, possibly related to his untreated PTSD. I never experienced any form of abuse from him. Nothing at all. He was always loving and treated me well. I’ve tried reaching out to him and his family, offering my support, but no one wants anything to do with me. It’s been 3 weeks, and I’m still in shock, trying to figure out how someone who was so in love with me could suddenly shut me out completely. I sent him a letter for closure, but there’s been no response.

The only significant conflict we ever had was when I found out months later in March that he had been talking to another girl during our talking stage (but we already had a date scheduled), calling her pet names. It upset me, but we weren’t official at the time. When I found out, he was devastated, crying and doing everything he could to apologize. He hardly ever cried, but he was saying he was terrified I was going to leave him for that. We moved past it completely, but it’s the only real conflict I can think of that might have lingered in his mind. We never argued because he was a very calm man, that always managed to change the vibe of the room. It was hard to argue with him in the first place. He just was not an argumentative person.

In the weeks leading up to the breakup, I noticed small changes. He became quieter during our conversations, sometimes zoning out when I was talking. He would say he just didn’t feel like talking, which made me feel bad. He also stopped smiling in selfies he’d send me. When I mentioned feeling a little distant, he got a little defensive, asking if I thought he was a bad boyfriend and if I was trying to tell him something. I reassured him, but there was an underlying shift in our dynamic. Even though these moments stood out to me, they were minor compared to how loving he still was that night. The night he left, he sent me a love paragraph full of affection, just like always. But by 3 am, he was gone. Looking back the distance only started when he got in that huge fight with his mom, and started talking about wanting his awful dad to die and wanting his grandpa back a lot. Nothing seemed directly related to me, and if it was he hadn’t told me.

His mom is a piece of work. She for 1, has slight brain damage and can not work, so my ex supports the house on his own. She is dating a very hard drug addict with no job, and is comfortable bringing her 10 year old girl around him. She has not brought her children to the dentist or doctor in years. She also has willingly bought my ex, her son, vapes throughout high school. When I was at his house, she’d been talking to me about him, seeming to downplay his abuse and saying “he thinks he had it so bad but his brother had it worse”. My ex was raped and beaten. When id brought up to her that I’d been trying to help motivate him do small but important things more such as brushing his teeth every morning, she’d suggested that I use sexuality to convince him to do those things. I completely disagreed, and thought that instead she should help him into therapy. Everything I’d listed were depression symptoms. She’d also once told me that he wasn’t abused by his dad until 9th grade. That was absolutely not true, it was his entire life. My ex had mentioned before that he feels like his mom does that care about him. The huge argument they’d got in had been because my ex needed a ride home from work at night, and his mom had promised to get him. Once it was time, she was actually 40 miles away with her drug addicted boyfriend. He had no money for an uber after paying the bills, and she’d said “well tell your girlfriend to pay back the $600 she just drained from your account.” He’d absolutely flipped and defended me, because when I stayed with him in July, I’d paid for everything all week. He only paid for my birthday dinner and museum tickets. He NEVER yells, but that night he’d just lost it and screamed at her over the phone and called her many crude things. He told me he was beginning to hate her like he hates his dad.

He left me saying he was depressed and missed his grandpa, and I can’t help but feel like I pushed him away by voicing my relationship concerns. I wonder if I made him feel inadequate, even though I never intended to. I tried telling him he was a good boyfriend, but now I feel like he hates me. It’s been over a week since I’ve heard from him, and it feels like he’s completely cut me out of his life. His mom has also ignored me, despite her previous affection for me.

I feel like I did everything I could to make him feel loved and supported. He had so many insecurities—his gynecomastia, ADHD, his front tooth (as I mentioned his mom never took him to a dentist), and more but I don’t want to reveal all of them. But I never judged him for any of it. In fact, I’d thought I’d made him feel comfortable with all these things to the point where he started being more open around me, even taking his shirt off and shower with me when he never did that with anyone else. I helped him through grief, gave him money for Ubers, handmade him jewelry, and bought us matching pendants. I always put him first. He’d always tell me I was the most nonjudgmental and understanding woman he’d ever been with, and he wanted to marry me one day. As a teen he did go to therapy, but had to stop because he couldn’t afford it anymore (given he pays for the house, his mom just earns disability). He had legitimate life plans, he’d wrote his dad a huge text message then blocked him a few months ago basically telling him that he’ll never be like him, he’s got a great job and great girlfriend, and he’s already becoming successful. His whole goal in life was to become a sous chef and get married and have kids, in his words treat them better than his parents treated him, and get a a husky. We already had a beautiful house we were going to move in a few months with 2 roommates. He’d dated a lot of girls super short term before me with the intent of dating for marriage, but none of them ever worked out given his age until he found me.

He’d also told me once while crying that he felt safe with me because I was the only person who never judged him. He’d been mentally and physically abused, raped, and taken advantage of by others, but I didn’t treat him like that. He told me I was his other half and that I made him not want to die anymore. It feels so cruel that after all of this, he would throw it all away so suddenly.

The morning of the breakup I’d called his mom, sobbing and asking to talk to him. She was shocked about the breakup but wouldn’t let me at all. She’d told me he was up at 3 am (which that was the time he dumped me) and she confidently said, “there’s been a lot of family turmoil. He’ll come back in a day.” Did not elaborate on it.

A week later I finally got in touch with his mom again. She told me that the breakup was because he felt like he didn’t have enough time to play Xbox and that he felt pressured to stay up with me after work, even though I always encouraged him to sleep. He always went straight to bed after work. She downplayed everything and my feelings, telling me this was a normal, regular breakup and telling me to calm down and get some self worth, but it feels like so much more to me. She randomly started telling me that “he’s not coming back to you or reversing his decision”, and told me I need to apologize to my parents and abusive dad for being so emotional about the breakup. Accused me of making this “family drama” because my mom had texted her asking if my ex was okay. My mom loved my ex. She told me that both she and my ex weren’t on board with me moving in for three months, which contradicts what he had told me every day. He even encouraged me to stay. The same day he’d left I was nervous about moving and he’d told me, “everything will be okay because you’ll be here soon.” Another day he’d told me, “you’ll always have a home here with me.” when I said I felt like I didn’t really have a home at times. Every single day I checked with him that moving in was okay, he said yes each time. But on that call with his mom, she said nothing, absolutely nothing about the family turmoil she’d mentioned the morning of the breakup. Only said that my ex wanted “more time to himself to play X-Box.” She also told me that my ex is hardly speaking to her. What…? This was all coming from the same woman that seemed to love me days before and told me I was absolutely perfect for her son.

I don’t know if this is a mental breakdown, an episode, or something else entirely, but it’s unlike anything I’ve experienced with him before. He’s an entire different person. I’ve been left feeling heartbroken and lost, while he’s seemingly shut me out to play video games (mom’s word) and post cryptic song lyrics. Everyone tells me I’m better off, but I still want him back because I can’t stop believing that his mental health struggles are at the core of this sudden change. His mom downplayed his trauma and now my pain, leaving me feeling even more isolated in this heartbreak. If he’s having a breakdown then she’s definitely not doing anything to help him. She never helped him in his other struggles.

I’m so confused. Up until the last hour before he blocked me, he treated me with such love. We were inseparable. I keep wondering if he’ll come back, but it’s been 3 weeks of silence, and I’m still waiting. I’m just heartbroken and lost, and I don’t know what to do. I still love him a lot. I was the closest person to him and his only true support system at this time.

Something I had forgotten to mention though, is that it was suggested that he may be experiencing delayed grief that triggered an episode. Like I mentioned, his grandpa was his life, and recently he’d been talking more and more about missing him. I don’t think he ever got properly grieve, given that he’s been the sole bread winner since high school and can’t just “take off” work to grieve. Another thing, last November his grandmother died. I remember him telling me that he’d just watched her pass in the hospital. He drank that night, then went back to work the next day. He never got to take off for it. His grandpas 3rd year is coming in October, and his grandmas first year is coming in November.

I’m so worried. I was really his only support system. Within the last few months his childhood best friend, who’d actually saved him from a suicide attempt, had moved an hour away with his girlfriend, and is now attending university. He’d started mentioning more and more about hating the girlfriend because she’s always with him. I fear that they were growing apart. He didn’t get to see him much.

It was just like, one day he was there and the next he’s not. Especially right before I was supposed to move in, which he’d been excited about. I don’t know why he’s pushing me away or acting like he never loved me. It’s hurting so bad but I can’t contact him and all I can do is wait for him. He went from wanting to talk to me everyday to completely not saying a word to me for 3 weeks. But it seems that he keeps unblocking me and blocking me again, without saying anything.
I feel like I’ve lost everything overnight. I’m so distraught and confused. I’d really appreciate some advice or insight from those who have been through similar situations or suffer with similar issues as my ex, but anyone is welcome. It’s been really hard for me.
 I’ve been doing research everyday since he left because it’s all I can think about.

Three weeks ago my loving boyfriend left me the day before I was supposed to move in with him. He told me he was bipolar—it seems to run in the family as his dad has it. Although, there’s no official diagnosis for him so I’m just considering it a possibility. He also struggles with ADHD, depression, anxiety, and PTSD from a traumatic childhood. His upbringing was incredibly rough, and since his dad left, he’s been working to support his disabled mom and younger sister since the age of 14. He was sexually abused at 5. He’d also been in a 4 year long abusive and toxic relationship before me, followed by a lot of short-term relationships. There’s a lot more to his childhood and frankly it’s the worst out of anyone I’ve known personally. When we met, I became his second longest (longest was the abusive relationship) and most serious partner (his words). He works long hours (up to 12-13 hours a day) as a cook, is unmedicated, and seemed to struggle quietly with his mental health. He’d told me he bottles everything in until he flips. I always tried to ask him how he’s doing, but he never seemed to want to get into it. He’s only 19, but had to grow up way earlier. We had genuine life plans up until the end.

The day he left, everything had seemed fine. We had been talking on FaceTime for hours, he told me he loved me several times, sent me cute posts, and wrote a love paragraph saying he’d always love and adore me, I’ll make the best wife, among a bunch of other things. He was laughing and smiling and making jokes. We played games, he was taking pictures of me, and he told me, as always, how much he couldn’t wait to see me and loved me so much before we went to bed. But when I woke up in the morning, at 3 am, he had dumped me over text, saying he was depressed, missed his grandfather, and didn’t want a relationship anymore. He even told me to find someone else. Since then, he’s completely cut me off, blocking me on everything possible.

Throughout our relationship, we never fought, although we had a few disagreements, nothing major. When I stayed with him in July for my birthday, everything was perfect—he showered me with affection, brought me food after work, and planned my birthday with dates, that went amazingly. We had always been there for each other. We were very attentive to each other. He did have a panic attack once, confessing how much he hated himself and was terrified of losing me among a bunch of other things. It makes his sudden leave even more confusing because everyone saw how much he loved me, even my strict parents, who were shocked by the breakup. He was always incredibly loving towards me and his affections never wavered or seemed insincere. He was so gentle and reassuring with me and genuinely a great boyfriend. Everyone that knew him also told me he was a great person. Even up until the end he’d want to sleep with me on the phone after work, and when he didn’t he’d send loving goodnight voice notes to me.

After I stayed with him in July, some things started to shift, although they didn’t seem to impact our relationship at the time. He was still so loving. Firstly, he’d had a huge argument with his mom, wished his dad dead out of the blue, and began talking more about missing his grandpa, whose 3rd year death anniversary is approaching in October. His grandpa was literally his only support system for awhile. He’d lived with him while his dad was in jail and his mom was in the hospital. It was his only stable environment. I had even bought him a customized acrylic memorial for his grandparents, which he loved. The night he left, we were talking about meaningful moments, and he mentioned the day with his grandpa as one he wished he could relive. He also told me he wanted me to always be happy.

He deleted me from everything that night—social media, a shared notes app, even our shared Hulu. But strangely, he kept our relationship status on Facebook up for a week and only recently deleted one photo from our first date. He was strangely active on Facebook after the breakup as well. His activity had been showing up in the middle of the night and he’d changed his profile picture from us to a picture of him from over a year ago, flexing muscles. He does not look anything like he does in that picture anymore, and hasn’t for months. He’s almost unrecognizable in it— his tattoos aren’t there, he still has piercings he no longer has, etc. After the breakup, he’d been posting self-destructive and lowkey suicidal song lyrics as statuses on Instagram, many related to exes and relationships. It’s the only insight I have into his feelings since he left me. All the songs basically had the same vibe. A few of them directly mentioning self destruction and wanting to die. The thing is my boyfriend always communicated through music. He’d often send me songs, tell me to read the lyrics, and say he feels that way. And when he’d been stressed in situations, as an example the argument with his mom, he’d post songs that he related to about the situation.

Everyone I know says he most likely has had a mental breakdown or episode, possibly related to his untreated PTSD. I never experienced any form of abuse from him. Nothing at all. He was always loving and treated me well. I’ve tried reaching out to him and his family, offering my support, but no one wants anything to do with me. It’s been 3 weeks, and I’m still in shock, trying to figure out how someone who was so in love with me could suddenly shut me out completely. I sent him a letter for closure, but there’s been no response.

The only significant conflict we ever had was when I found out months later in March that he had been talking to another girl during our talking stage (but we already had a date scheduled), calling her pet names. It upset me, but we weren’t official at the time. When I found out, he was devastated, crying and doing everything he could to apologize. He hardly ever cried, but he was saying he was terrified I was going to leave him for that. We moved past it completely, but it’s the only real conflict I can think of that might have lingered in his mind. We never argued because he was a very calm man, that always managed to change the vibe of the room. It was hard to argue with him in the first place. He just was not an argumentative person.

In the weeks leading up to the breakup, I noticed small changes. He became quieter during our conversations, sometimes zoning out when I was talking. He would say he just didn’t feel like talking, which made me feel bad. He also stopped smiling in selfies he’d send me. When I mentioned feeling a little distant, he got a little defensive, asking if I thought he was a bad boyfriend and if I was trying to tell him something. I reassured him, but there was an underlying shift in our dynamic. Even though these moments stood out to me, they were minor compared to how loving he still was that night. The night he left, he sent me a love paragraph full of affection, just like always. But by 3 am, he was gone. Looking back the distance only started when he got in that huge fight with his mom, and started talking about wanting his awful dad to die and wanting his grandpa back a lot. Nothing seemed directly related to me, and if it was he hadn’t told me.

His mom is a piece of work. She for 1, has slight brain damage and can not work, so my ex supports the house on his own. She is dating a very hard drug addict with no job, and is comfortable bringing her 10 year old girl around him. She has not brought her children to the dentist or doctor in years. She also has willingly bought my ex, her son, vapes throughout high school. When I was at his house, she’d been talking to me about him, seeming to downplay his abuse and saying “he thinks he had it so bad but his brother had it worse”. My ex was raped and beaten. When id brought up to her that I’d been trying to help motivate him do small but important things more such as brushing his teeth every morning, she’d suggested that I use sexuality to convince him to do those things. I completely disagreed, and thought that instead she should help him into therapy. Everything I’d listed were depression symptoms. She’d also once told me that he wasn’t abused by his dad until 9th grade. That was absolutely not true, it was his entire life. My ex had mentioned before that he feels like his mom does that care about him. The huge argument they’d got in had been because my ex needed a ride home from work at night, and his mom had promised to get him. Once it was time, she was actually 40 miles away with her drug addicted boyfriend. He had no money for an uber after paying the bills, and she’d said “well tell your girlfriend to pay back the $600 she just drained from your account.” He’d absolutely flipped and defended me, because when I stayed with him in July, I’d paid for everything all week. He only paid for my birthday dinner and museum tickets. He NEVER yells, but that night he’d just lost it and screamed at her over the phone and called her many crude things. He told me he was beginning to hate her like he hates his dad.

He left me saying he was depressed and missed his grandpa, and I can’t help but feel like I pushed him away by voicing my relationship concerns. I wonder if I made him feel inadequate, even though I never intended to. I tried telling him he was a good boyfriend, but now I feel like he hates me. It’s been over a week since I’ve heard from him, and it feels like he’s completely cut me out of his life. His mom has also ignored me, despite her previous affection for me.

I feel like I did everything I could to make him feel loved and supported. He had so many insecurities—his gynecomastia, ADHD, his front tooth (as I mentioned his mom never took him to a dentist), and more but I don’t want to reveal all of them. But I never judged him for any of it. In fact, I’d thought I’d made him feel comfortable with all these things to the point where he started being more open around me, even taking his shirt off and shower with me when he never did that with anyone else. I helped him through grief, gave him money for Ubers, handmade him jewelry, and bought us matching pendants. I always put him first. He’d always tell me I was the most nonjudgmental and understanding woman he’d ever been with, and he wanted to marry me one day. As a teen he did go to therapy, but had to stop because he couldn’t afford it anymore (given he pays for the house, his mom just earns disability). He had legitimate life plans, he’d wrote his dad a huge text message then blocked him a few months ago basically telling him that he’ll never be like him, he’s got a great job and great girlfriend, and he’s already becoming successful. His whole goal in life was to become a sous chef and get married and have kids, in his words treat them better than his parents treated him, and get a a husky. We already had a beautiful house we were going to move in a few months with 2 roommates. He’d dated a lot of girls super short term before me with the intent of dating for marriage, but none of them ever worked out given his age until he found me.

He’d also told me once while crying that he felt safe with me because I was the only person who never judged him. He’d been mentally and physically abused, raped, and taken advantage of by others, but I didn’t treat him like that. He told me I was his other half and that I made him not want to die anymore. It feels so cruel that after all of this, he would throw it all away so suddenly.

The morning of the breakup I’d called his mom, sobbing and asking to talk to him. She was shocked about the breakup but wouldn’t let me at all. She’d told me he was up at 3 am (which that was the time he dumped me) and she confidently said, “there’s been a lot of family turmoil. He’ll come back in a day.” Did not elaborate on it.

A week later I finally got in touch with his mom again. She told me that the breakup was because he felt like he didn’t have enough time to play Xbox and that he felt pressured to stay up with me after work, even though I always encouraged him to sleep. He always went straight to bed after work. She downplayed everything and my feelings, telling me this was a normal, regular breakup and telling me to calm down and get some self worth, but it feels like so much more to me. She randomly started telling me that “he’s not coming back to you or reversing his decision”, and told me I need to apologize to my parents and abusive dad for being so emotional about the breakup. Accused me of making this “family drama” because my mom had texted her asking if my ex was okay. My mom loved my ex. She told me that both she and my ex weren’t on board with me moving in for three months, which contradicts what he had told me every day. He even encouraged me to stay. The same day he’d left I was nervous about moving and he’d told me, “everything will be okay because you’ll be here soon.” Another day he’d told me, “you’ll always have a home here with me.” when I said I felt like I didn’t really have a home at times. Every single day I checked with him that moving in was okay, he said yes each time. But on that call with his mom, she said nothing, absolutely nothing about the family turmoil she’d mentioned the morning of the breakup. Only said that my ex wanted “more time to himself to play X-Box.” She also told me that my ex is hardly speaking to her. What…? This was all coming from the same woman that seemed to love me days before and told me I was absolutely perfect for her son.

I don’t know if this is a mental breakdown, an episode, or something else entirely, but it’s unlike anything I’ve experienced with him before. He’s an entire different person. I’ve been left feeling heartbroken and lost, while he’s seemingly shut me out to play video games (mom’s word) and post cryptic song lyrics. Everyone tells me I’m better off, but I still want him back because I can’t stop believing that his mental health struggles are at the core of this sudden change. His mom downplayed his trauma and now my pain, leaving me feeling even more isolated in this heartbreak. If he’s having a breakdown then she’s definitely not doing anything to help him. She never helped him in his other struggles.

I’m so confused. Up until the last hour before he blocked me, he treated me with such love. We were inseparable. I keep wondering if he’ll come back, but it’s been 3 weeks of silence, and I’m still waiting. I’m just heartbroken and lost, and I don’t know what to do. I still love him a lot. I was the closest person to him and his only true support system at this time.

Something I had forgotten to mention though, is that it was suggested that he may be experiencing delayed grief that triggered an episode. Like I mentioned, his grandpa was his life, and recently he’d been talking more and more about missing him. I don’t think he ever got properly grieve, given that he’s been the sole bread winner since high school and can’t just “take off” work to grieve. Another thing, last November his grandmother died. I remember him telling me that he’d just watched her pass in the hospital. He drank that night, then went back to work the next day. He never got to take off for it. His grandpas 3rd year is coming in October, and his grandmas first year is coming in November.

I’m so worried. I was really his only support system. Within the last few months his childhood best friend, who’d actually saved him from a suicide attempt, had moved an hour away with his girlfriend, and is now attending university. He’d started mentioning more and more about hating the girlfriend because she’s always with him. I fear that they were growing apart. He didn’t get to see him much.

It was just like, one day he was there and the next he’s not. Especially right before I was supposed to move in, which he’d been excited about. I don’t know why he’s pushing me away or acting like he never loved me. It’s hurting so bad but I can’t contact him and all I can do is wait for him. He went from wanting to talk to me everyday to completely not saying a word to me for 3 weeks. But it seems that he keeps unblocking me and blocking me again, without saying anything.
Hi sweetie ,

I hope this gets to you . Well I have been with a 48 year old guy that’s very similar. Loving, attentive, treats me so well . He was a real people pleaser Mr Nice Guy! However he was hyper vigilant, introverted. Seemed isolated . Acted odd at times , extremely sensitive, could not take any form of healthy criticism or didn’t like boundaries ( one of my biggest desk breakers is flirting with other women in front of me or behind my back I will not tolerate this ! He showed many signs of this after our 7 month mark .

Over time I found out his mum had bipolar , hardly left the home , & dad & mum worked togther own. Buisness , but this marriage was shit storm everyday. My partner could not communicate on a deep level and when I look bk it was surface level conversations . He never voiced his needs.

Unfortunately I ended it when he blurted out in the car after a wedding we attended he never wants to marry me or anyone & is petrified of living with me ! Even though despite the odd words we was very good together . We had just been on holiday Together too.

My byf brother thinks my partner has his mums dissorder too of bipolar , I honestly don’t think that but I could be wrong . He 💯 has c- ptsd with depression & Anxiety . Even the possibility of quiet BPD . Total fearful avoidant attachment style ( look this up ). I wanted my byf to open up to me & talk about things & I wanted to help him but all he says was I can’t , I can’t ! Not good enough at 48 to behave this way after future faking a year with me in my eyes . I was total blindsided myself as you are . I feel you pain so much. No dought you are now traumatised & you will never forget this . Unfortunately hurt people hurt people . I don’t know the situation you’re in now with your byf but he needs trauma therapy fast & if he’s young, he has many years to get better aswell or the best he can be.

Staying with him could make you very sick , you will trigger him & it will feel like your walking on egg shells . His family like my ex are toxic & messed up people . My ex kept his life secret I didn’t know who he was . He spent 23 years in severe depression & although he’s turned his life around he can not cope obviously in a relationship. Relationship triggers their traumas .

Save yourself & find a healthy partner . You don’t deserve a life time of making up for his traumas .

You love him but you will end up traumatised yourself & in need of therapy.

Get out while you’re young . Xx
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Just know that, even though getting through the pain of someone you love leaving you suddenly hurts like hell, it's truly not about you. And speaking up about aspects of the relationship is both healthy and an act of courage. It's when we find ourselves walking on eggshells and not bringing things up that things get worse. He has do work on his own healing journey, from what you've described. And it sounds like he probably wanted a relationship, but wasn't ready with the skills or therapeutic support to do it in a healthy and sustainable way. (I have been dating a wonderful person with cPTSD who started out very enthusiastic and loving, but I think he and I have both come to realize that he's really struggling with relationships and he needs to take steps to get some real help for it, or it will never get better than it is right now - and it's pretty painful right now. And I am realizing that I'll probably have to step away from the relationship to save myself, because I also deserve to be loved in return.) And, at the end of the day, that's what we all deserve: healthy and loving relationships. A healthy relationship will feel steady and calm. It won't be a roller coaster ride. You deserve someone who can safely love you back. You can always say a little prayer that he finds the help and support that he needs right now. It sounds like his childhood left him with a lot that he's carrying. Of course he needs love, and so do you. It just sounds like he's not at a point where he can enter into a healthy and loving relationship. It sounds like he needs to find some help first. (One other thing that has been helpful for me is joining a Codependents Anonymous group, to learn more about healthy relationships and my own codependent patters). Sending you peace, and a big hug.

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