What are you having for dinner? (wanna share your recipe?)

And for dinners away, I made and froze the base for this, just have to add water, the can of crushed tomatoes and water - froze the base with better than bullion chicken concentrate : Lamb Shawarma Chickpea Soup. And a big thanks to @Friday . I had never heard of Recipe Tin Eats until this thread was started, her recipes are approachable and delish. Easily customizable. I used beef as I am not fond of leftover lamb (but love it hot off the barbie or fresh out of the oven).
Everyone’s sick, here. Except me. So they get whatever their favorite chicken noodle soup is (Campbell’s, Progresso, Mrs. Grass, Homemade Nana Style, Ditto Friday Style), and I’m having

Puff Pastry Not Pizza

- 1 sheet of puff pastry, brushed heavily with olive oil.
- Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Onions, Italian Sausage
- Salt & Pepper

Nip into oven @ 350 for apx 20 minutes
I just gobbled down a whole eggplant and I want to talk about it!!

Inspired by Hetty Lui McKinnon on Splendid Table Podcast.

First of all… it involved homemade black bean sauce—seriously, who’d’ve thought? But she explained it so simply I had to try…. She gave no measurements just said something like…
Get some fermented black (soy) beans at your Asian grocery store. Take some and rinse them to get the extra salt crystals off. Add minced garlic and some red chili, maybe flakes or fresh or roasted. Then add oil and mash it all together. The only oils I had were olive, lard, butter and sesame, so sesame it was! I used a potato masher, the waffle kind, but if you have a food processor even better. It is so easy and the results are simply amazing!! Mine looks more like a paste than a sauce.

So for the eggplant I just peeled, cubed, and steamed the standard globe kind until it was a little overdone, real soft. For the sauce I took some of that black bean paste, added this date syrup I found on clearance at WalMart, and some prune jam that’s been sitting in my fridge untouched for two years.

Had the sauced eggplant over rice garnished with sesame seeds, green onion, and rooster sauce. My god.🌤️ Holy whack-a-doodle—Level up! It didn’t need the garnish. And I added a bit too much of the sweet stuff but what’s cool is that it hit sweet and finished salty-umami. And so easy 🤤
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Scotch broth,

Olive oil
Knob of butter
2 rashers Streaky bacon, finely sliced
3 sticks celery, trimmed
3 large carrots, peeled
3 onions peeled
3 leeks trimmed & washed
1 large swede peeled
4 baby turnips peeled
2 Lamb shanks 350g each
2.5L chicken stock
100g pearl barley
1/2 small Savoy cabbage, tough stalks removed
Salt & Pepper

Use a large 7L stock pot on a medium low heat
Add oil and butter and bacon and herbs.
Dice the onions, carrot and celery into 1cm dice, add them to the pan and cook gently for 10 minutes
Dice all the rest of the veg except the cabbage and add them too
Add the lamb shanks and 1.5L stock, bring to the boil then simmer gently on a low heat for 3.5 hours with a lid on. It's ready when the lamb is falling off the bone.
Add a splash more water if you think it needs it.

After 2 hours 45 mins, hours add the pearl barley and cook for another 45 minutes.
Remove and shred the lamb, discarding fatty / gnarly bits and bones and add it back to the soup
Chop cabbage into 1cm chunks and add with the remaining 1L of stock leaving the lid off. Cook for another 20 minutes or turn the heat off under the pan and leave it for 40 minutes to an hour.
Kind of a cross between chicken paella & Mexican pie.

- Mexican or Spanish (Ie tomato or saffron) rice loaded with onions, peppers, veg… pressed into a cast iron skillet w/olive oil to crispy-crust the bottom. (Or a pie plate, cooked on the lowest rack of the oven).
- Shredded BBQ chicken layered over the top
- Pico de Gallo
- Fresh herbs across the top (cilantro, parsely, mint, chives, oregano, whatever, really).
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@Friday will try that tomorrow. Made a paella-ish rice tonight which is okay but needs something more. I had found barberries at the international grocery store (in the Middle East section). Barberries grow here but I’ve yet to find them in the wild, am on the hunt.

Anyway the package had a recipe for this Persian rice dish called zereshk polow, which is basically rice with saffron, barberries (like tiny cranberries), and onions. For some reason it’s made sweet-ish. Anyway, it’s okay, but I could see myself using it to make that dish you created.

I have a bunch of watermelon pico de gallo I need to use up. Am defrosting ground chicken ‘cause I was going to make tacos tomorrow but I think I’ll try your concoction! I don’t think Thai basil would work on top, do you? I have some fresh mint and parsley and lamb’s quarters. And dried oregano.
Basil & watermelon is good. With cilantro & mint? Eh? But… Cilantro & basil = Vietnamese. I might just reserve the herbs to try per bite. Enough all together just sort of blends into herbaceous awesomeness, but a few soloists can clash pretty hard.

LOL… Cha. Mine were leftovers, also. Just layered into something new.
@Friday and anyone else… basil and saffron? I will look it up… Well, turns out basil saffron risotto is a thing so maybe I’ll top mine with just Thai basil because I have plenty of it.

How would you (anyone) season the ground chicken for this dish? Was thinking of chili, garlic, onion—but maybe ginger? Star anise? (Thinking of that Thai dish Pad Ka Praow which has ground meat, basil and chili) 🧐 I welcome your suggestions.
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