I am currently jobless and a work market state at the moment research sent me into some weird state. I tried to push through, did my mini workout. But since then it's a blur. I wrapped myself in 2 blankets but I'm freezing and I keep having that deep hazy feeling you get when you wake in the middle of the night for example. Like my mind is detaching from things and slowly slipping into sleep, not like blackout, but... nevertheless not helpful. But I can see the edges of things blurring and feeling like I'm sleepwalking and I'm calm but I can't do things and I'm going to eat dinner (a banana, piece of chicken I already have and juice), and drink a hot drink in bed with the heating on and just be there like 2 hours before my usual eaaaarliest bedtime because the world is slipping away and I can't hold on.
How do you stop that feeling of slipping away from the world?
It can't happen each time I apply for a gig.
How do you stop that feeling of slipping away from the world?
It can't happen each time I apply for a gig.