Fast ways to re-regulate?

It finally occurred to me today when I cried in public for the third time this week, hiding in a park after dark, that I think I'm struggling more than I thought. Losing lots of time these days, plus having so much trouble with executive functioning. There are longer-term projects that need to be done to make me stable (like therapy) but what I need now is just a little advice on how to re-regulate, as fast as possible.

For context, I haven't slept more than 4 hours in a row for weeks. Lots of nocturnal panic attacks. And then I'm so exhausted that I drink too much coffee, but that just fuels the panic cycle. And then I'm behind on work, which likewise adds fuel to the fire .... and I honestly don't have the opportunity to take a full day off to try to sort myself out. But I also can't keep this up.

What are your best tips to sort out this sort of physical dysregulation, and fast? I'm starting to get worried about how fast I'm devolving here, and I honestly am so exhausted and panicked that I feel like I can't even remember what used to work.
I have had sleep problems for almost 30 years. I can’t fall asleep or I wake up after 2-3 hours and that is it. I have a neurological condition on top of PTSD and I was diagnosed with something I had never heard of before, Central Sensitization. As I understand it there is a trauma component to it too. Anyway, my brain magnifies pain signals so my perceived pain level is much higher than it should be for the stimulus. This also makes me very sensitive to medications. When trying new meds I start with the lowest dose and cut it in half.

The reason I bring this up is I recently read This Is Your Mind On Plants by Michael Pollan and there was an extensive discussion on caffeine. It got me thinking about caffeine in my life and that there is no reason that my drug sensitivity doesn’t include caffeine. I am living alone right now and I would get up and make a pot of coffee and have several cups. If it is there I will drink it. So for the past few days I have switched to using a French press that only makes 2 cups. I am sleeping better. My intention is to keep this up and slowly mix a larger portion of decaf in with the regular beans so that eventually I am caffeine free.
It’s a coin flip, for me, on whether the fastest way to reregulate is by following the pattern (physical to physical, mental to mental, emotional to emotional) …or… to pick the OPPOSITE. There tends to be a feeeeeling? A whisper? An impulse? About which is best, that I’ve learned to follow, but it’s all trial and error, to be frank. Throw it at the wall & see what sticks.

Physical to Physical = EXERCISE. Go burn off all of those chemicals swirling in my bloodstream. Put them to good & proper use.

Physical to Mental/Emotional = When I would NOT put those chemicals to good/proper use but be doing the whole traumatic injury thing (running until my feet bleed, punching walls, picking fights, etc.) >>> That’s when engaging my heart/mind works best. Set myself at a problem, rather than a target. Lose myself in stories, in art, in people… to be able to find myself… again.
What are your best tips to sort out this sort of physical dysregulation, and fast?
in my own case, pressuring myself to speed up is counterproductive, most especially when attempting to function under handicaps such as sleep deprivation. i am hyper-active by nature and highly prone to looking for quick fixes. pressuring myself with deadlines feeds the proverbial "bad wolf." removing the speed pressure helps me focus, tremendously. recovery takes what it takes.

that said. . .

breathing and tactile grounding are my go-to tools for recovery from inconveniently timed ptsd episodes. when going through extended episodes, i carry a grounding talisman, such as a "worry stone" i picked up in the parking lot or a worthless doodad i stole off the boss's desk. i carry the talisman in my pocket so that i can ground myself while holding conversations, etc. i can simultaneously do breathing exercises subtly enough that the person i am interacting with need not know i am plying psychotherapy tools as i listen, or? ? ? at least pretend to listen. whatever you say, socio.
there is no reason that my drug sensitivity doesn’t include caffeine.
This is a good thought for me. I am definitely drinking too much coffee right now, but I'm having trouble resetting when there isn't a lot of time to deal with the aftermath of caffeine withdrawal.
Physical to Physical = EXERCISE. Go burn off all of those chemicals swirling in my bloodstream. Put them to good & proper use.
Normally, this is my response. But I'm so scattered that I'm worried. Lots of urges from the little ones to hide in small areas like alleys or parks and I'm losing track of being able to front because I'm so overwhelmed. So I also want to just hide in my apartment where nothing bad will happen if the little ones decide to go into hiding, because it will be just the closet or my bed.
in my own case, pressuring myself to speed up is counterproductive, most especially when attempting to function under handicaps such as sleep deprivation.
Thank you for this reminder. I think maybe what I need is to just try to subtract what I can from my life and forgive myself for not being as productive as I can be?
breathing and tactile grounding are my go-to tools for recovery from inconveniently timed ptsd episodes.
The reminder to breathe is good. I need that. Thank you.