Fun Facts

What is called the King James Version of the Bible in USA is called the Authorized Version of the Bible in UK.

Also, my Catholic mom always chided the KJV because “the king rewrote the Bible so he could get a divorce.” Not even close to truth, I found out today! King James I of England was married to the same woman, Anne of Denmark, his whole life. (He had several male lovers that he held in higher esteem than his wife but that’s beside the point.). King Henry the VIII authorized the first English version of the Bible called the Great Bible. He famously divorced Catherine of Aragorn to marry Anne Boleyn, but that also had nothing to do with the Bible, rather was through legal finagling which was completed after the publication of the Great Bible anyway.
Santa claus was typically portrayed with green or blue robes until Coca Cola made his clothes red for their marketing campaign to associate coke with Christmas. So Santa’s red and white clothes are essentially an advertisement.
A female tsetse fly—those disease-causing insects that cause sleeping sickness in humans and death in cattle—gives live birth to one enormous larva which she fed milk (not a euphemism, actual milk) from special glands (which it drank with special dual-straw-shaped mouth parts) while she was pregnant with it. She gives birth to about ten larvae over the course of her adult life though only mates once. From that one mating she stores the sperm and then gets sequentially pregnant. When the male mates with her, there is a neurochemical in his baby juice that makes her lose interest in sex.
The Wright brothers do not have individual pages on Wikipedia. Which reflects their lives—they were lifelong bachelors, lived at home, and shared a bedroom and bathroom their whole lives.
Miami-Dade county terminated the lease with Miami Seaquarium (the aquarium which kept orca Lolita in a punch bowl for over 50 years). The aquarium did not leave when their lease ended in April and have now been served an eviction lawsuit. Miami Seaquarium is suing the county for violating their federal civil rights.

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