My partner has cPTSD from years of abuse. This was all retriggered about 3 years ago and we go through stages of everything is fine, then weeks of it not being fine when retriggered. He wants help- we have tried different charities and got no where. He reached out to the Dr surgery and got nowhere. Just put him on meds. He has been triggered about a month ago and things have not been good since. We have a cycle with it- one minute hes very very teary, suicidal, the next hes very angry and basically you have to watch out what you are doing or saying. How do I get him any help? He has seen Dr again last week after a near suicide attempt- they said someone would phone him A WEEK AGO and no one has. His anger has spiralled in the last 48 hours- literally if I say or do anything I feel like he cant cope in any form and reacts by shouting or throwing things. It is so so hard. I want to contact the dr and say how bad things are but im scared if he finds out he will be very angry and feel I have broken his trust and I dont want to do that. I just want him to be okay. Has any one gone through similar or know of anything that I can do that may help? My gut tells me to ring the Dr, be honest at how all over the place things are and chase them for the phone call he was due a week ago but my heart worries if he knows I have done that he will be mad. I told him today I would like to do this just to gauge response and he doesnt see why i want to- he doesnt seem aware of how bad he can be. Thank you for any advice.