I feel lost and stuck at the same time


Silver Member
Just quit a restaurant job because I couldn't take it anymore. Every day was like being punched by customers and coworkers. There was unfair favoritism, profane name-calling, gaslighting, hostility, lack of support from coworkers or management. I would feel dread, adrenaline rush through my body every time it was time to go to work. There was no flexibility, I couldn't take off because the owner said we had to get our shifts covered, but my problem was no one wanted to cover my shifts and if they did, I would have to work their shift the next week. Every work day I was running, sweating, my back constantly hurt, I was completely exhausted like I just ran a marathon. My workload was too much, I was told I was expected to take so many tables whereas the senior staff could pick how many tables they wanted and leave whenever they felt like it.

One of the workers there I got along with. She is sweet and kind. She called me and I hesitated calling her back because I knew she was going to talk about the restaurant and I just want to pretend it never existed. I called her back anyway and heard about how my former coworkers huddled together in a group and had a long discussion about how I was a terrible person and they hated me working there. They wanted her to join in and even advised her that it would be best for her to be on their side because she still had to work with them. I told her to just agree with them to make it peaceful for herself, that I knew the truth in how she felt about me but I also understand her need to survive at this job because she has kids to take care of. Even then, she refused to engage in their sh*t-talking session and finally told them to just leave her alone about it.

When I quit, my boyfriend did not understand. He got mad at and yelled at me. I tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't understand. He's concerned with our bills being paid. I have only a month's worth of my bills in my savings account. If I go unemployed any longer, I will have to sell my stocks to last another two months.

I reapplied to the agency that I never wanted to leave anyway. I wanted to retire there, but I was let go because of a misunderstanding with policy. I submitted my application after they invited me back for the second time, but it's been two weeks already and they haven't called to set up the next step in the long hiring process. I'm getting discouraged because I also have to compete with other applicants. This job is the only job I've ever worked for the longest and felt comfortable going to. Hostility, profane name-calling, aggressive confrontations are not tolerated in the workplace at this agency. I feel like it's a safe place to work, and like I said, I never wanted to leave, I wanted to retire there.

If I don't get my job back, I honestly don't know what to do. I have applied to other places but they have not called me either. I feel like I am limited to a certain type of work environment, otherwise, I will just off myself. I have for a long time pretended like my mental illness of PTSD and depression is not real and that I should be able to do things that other people do all the time. This is a lie. Sadly, I am just now starting to realize this. I have a mental illness and I need to start acknowledging that. It makes me feel less valuable, like I'm a burden to society. It's not even my fault that I have this. One person at fault is dead, the other is just waiting for death. Maybe I'm waiting for death, too.

Death sometimes sounds more like a sweet release than a dreaded event. People die and they feel nothing, they don't even feel the need to breathe. It is peaceful. Then I wouldn't have to deal with life anymore. I could be nonexistent. Ha! those that are living want to hurt me, but they can't hurt me if I'm dead. But I don't want them to win. I want to win, but I can't win because of my illness.

I am currently in school for a business degree (the whole reason I went to school was for the agency job), but what am I gonna do if I can't find a job, my boyfriend will disown me. I will lose my car, my life. I will live in a box on the side of the road.

Thanks for reading.
Hi, sorry that you have to go through all of this.
Realising you have a wound is first step to healing. Most preferably it would be a therapy. But I get that it's not always an option. I had to cancel my today's appointment due to my budget limitations.
It makes me feel less valuable, like I'm a burden to society.
No, you are not less valuable. I know the feeling of Marianna trench deep low self esteem.
It's not even my fault that I have this.
Yes, this part sucks the most for all of us. We did not ask for the trauma. But now we need to deal with it's fallout.

Take care. I'll keep my fingers crossed, things will go well for you.
I realize you may just be venting because of everything that is going on and things are hard, but we dont really know what death is like. When we find out, it will be too late to turn back. I would love to believe in heaven and that I will reunite with sisters and dogs, but mostly I just think that "its over" I dont know how old you are but I am 65, so realize I may be on borrowed time. I think we are all here to create our own legacy. It doesn't have to be anything huge like inventing something and being famous. Mine has been to change the family cycle of which I was born into. Does not mean that I can fix it all, but putting a dent in it begins the change. Im just an average person, but the first the second person to get a bachelor degree and the first to get a graduated degree. First in my family to identify the dysfunction and name the elephant in the room. Only one of my 3 children went to college and grad school and she is way more successful than I have been. Further, she is a really good mom. She has taken the foundation that I provided to her and goes even further in her parenting skills. Something we talk about often.

Okay this is not about me, I am telling you this because you have a future ahead of you, a legacy to create. Like you, I have mental illness, but I am guessing, because you sound very strong and determined, that you can create the life that you want even with this illness. Please dont even consider the poison of the living that want to hurt you. Keep focusing on your goals and pay no attention to those people. You can find a way for your illness to even help you. Instead of thinking your life is over if you dont get this job, please brainstorm and think of any other ways you can pay your bills. And I think your boyfriend disowning you is one of 2 things, either and exaggeration, or he isn't worth your time.

Hang in there. Life gets better, we just have to start with what we have, and figure out how to achieve what else we want. I promise, and Im really old.
I realize you may just be venting because of everything that is going on and things are hard, but we dont really know what death is like. When we find out, it will be too late to turn back. I would love to believe in heaven and that I will reunite with sisters and dogs, but mostly I just think that "its over" I dont know how old you are but I am 65, so realize I may be on borrowed time. I think we are all here to create our own legacy. It doesn't have to be anything huge like inventing something and being famous. Mine has been to change the family cycle of which I was born into. Does not mean that I can fix it all, but putting a dent in it begins the change. Im just an average person, but the first the second person to get a bachelor degree and the first to get a graduated degree. First in my family to identify the dysfunction and name the elephant in the room. Only one of my 3 children went to college and grad school and she is way more successful than I have been. Further, she is a really good mom. She has taken the foundation that I provided to her and goes even further in her parenting skills. Something we talk about often.

Okay this is not about me, I am telling you this because you have a future ahead of you, a legacy to create. Like you, I have mental illness, but I am guessing, because you sound very strong and determined, that you can create the life that you want even with this illness. Please dont even consider the poison of the living that want to hurt you. Keep focusing on your goals and pay no attention to those people. You can find a way for your illness to even help you. Instead of thinking your life is over if you dont get this job, please brainstorm and think of any other ways you can pay your bills. And I think your boyfriend disowning you is one of 2 things, either and exaggeration, or he isn't worth your time.

Hang in there. Life gets better, we just have to start with what we have, and figure out how to achieve what else we want. I promise, and Im really old.
I am in my 30's and do not have kids, nor do I think they are in my future. My main purpose in life is my career, it is the only thing that gives me a sense of accomplishment and that I am a contributing member of society. I like going to work, accomplishing tasks, being a part of something important, being among people that are held to a higher standard.

Funny side story: I know I am stressed because I have nightmares every time I close my eyes. My nightmares are me being back in the trauma. I woke up punching the air because, in my dream, my abuser attacked me so I was punching him in the groin haha! And then I proceeded to fight Beyonce who whooped me because she is constantly exercising and is in great shape lol I can't even with my dreams. I think the physical violence is how my mind is interpreting the hostile environment at the restaurant or the stress of not having a job.

Another stressor is not being able to find a job that will accommodate my mental illness like this job does. It may take a long time to find another company that has a successful HR department. I thought about temporary disability, but that might take just as long and my boyfriend would completely not understand. Besides, I would need to get a recommendation to a social worker who has to be paid somehow and it can't be me because I do not have insurance. I do have medicaid, do you know how to get a social worker through medicaid? Maybe my therapist knows...I can email her office.
I agree work is very important and does give us a sense of accomplishment and contributing to society. Im not sure what it means to you to be among people that are held to a higher standard. I do know a lot of people who have prioritized their work over everything else, become very successful professionally, and still felt an emptiness. Not saying that will be the case for you at all. You know what is best for you and I can absolutely see why some women do not want kids and for many reasons.
I think your therapist would be able to tell you where to start in regards to a social worker.
So let’s break it down…

- You need a job to pay your bills.
- Your boyfriend is stressed you don’t have a job to pay your bills.
- You quit your last job, and only have 1 month to find a new one.
- You’re not keen on the restaurant industry (almost no one is, if that helps, they’re money jobs rather than careers, overwhelmingly).
- You’re in school for a better job

So the “obvious” answer is to find a money-job outside of the restaurant industry -or- a better restaurant.

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