I joined a while back but the front team was still quite seperate However we have now achieved successful integration between the 3 who most wanted to be the host and/or dealing with daily life/aiding system recovery. We are now one… I feel more complete and we had decided our new nickname would be ‘SuKi’ before the joining. Most people have a shortened version of their legal names. (Including middle names etc).
This integration seems to have helped the system stabilise and our ‘insiders’ seem much happier and much less disruptive. we have been able to deal with many issues using journaling and writing our autobiography so others got chance to write events as they remembered them. photographs, art murals and video games have helped our younger insiders play through some stuff too.
As Host and person once again in control of my own body and own life it has felt liberating. There are still a few who have not yet been ready to integrate but my experience seems to have been triggered by the onset of peri-menopause and I am now in the latter stages and soon hope to reached 1 year to be officially in menopause. The hormonal fluctuations that caused triggering emotions for different parts seem to be calming down considerably now.
I am hoping Integration will be complete on completion of the menopause ..so still have a bit more work to do but are on the ‘final stretch’ at long last!!!
I joined a while back but the front team was still quite seperate However we have now achieved successful integration between the 3 who most wanted to be the host and/or dealing with daily life/aiding system recovery. We are now one… I feel more complete and we had decided our new nickname would be ‘SuKi’ before the joining. Most people have a shortened version of their legal names. (Including middle names etc).
This integration seems to have helped the system stabilise and our ‘insiders’ seem much happier and much less disruptive. we have been able to deal with many issues using journaling and writing our autobiography so others got chance to write events as they remembered them. photographs, art murals and video games have helped our younger insiders play through some stuff too.
As Host and person once again in control of my own body and own life it has felt liberating. There are still a few who have not yet been ready to integrate but my experience seems to have been triggered by the onset of peri-menopause and I am now in the latter stages and soon hope to reached 1 year to be officially in menopause. The hormonal fluctuations that caused triggering emotions for different parts seem to be calming down considerably now.
I am hoping Integration will be complete on completion of the menopause ..so still have a bit more work to do but are on the ‘final stretch’ at long last!!!