I'm receiving therapy from a clinic which specialises in dissociative disorders... I've always struggled with accepting the diagnosis (denial is strong) and I've been told its all part and parcel of being so dissociative, having strong amnesia etc.
Communication with my parts is difficult because they aren't as defined as maybe some other people's parts are... I don't have full blown separate personalities operating, but I have a lot of parts playing various roles, often in ways I'm not aware of, or if I am, for reasons I don't yet understand... (amnesia also strong)..so I don't have a good handle on managing communication with them... and half the time I feel like a fraud for even trying to communicate, since not all of me believes I have the disorder... yep it's a head f*ck!
However, I've been checking in and asking parts how they feel about things for the past few weeks , with various responses....
yesterday, something happened in therapy which left me a bit bewildered... I'd had a massive push pack about going tu session due to memories surfacing during the week, which I'd written in my diary which is shared on line with T... I hadn't checked I'd had permission to hand these memories over and not all parts were happy I'd shared it... after a long session exploring why these parts were worried, T asked me/ them what it was they wanted / needed in session before it finished... whether they needed me / T to know anything, what would make them feel better... at which point it very suddenly and very clearly came to me (repetitive thought voice) that they told me 'Just don't hurt the baby')... this was out of the blue and seemingly unrelated to anything I was thinking of, or that we'd been talking about... yet, although it didn't make sense in that exact moment, I know there was a truth held in those words... that on some level, without having proof, I know things happened to me when I was very very young, which were traumatic.. without knowing what these were...(having my son gave me the opportunity to see that surface through my multiple difficulties I experienced when he was very young)... T then spoke to them to reassure them that a) he wasn't in the room (he's online), and b) he would never hurt any part of me
So what's my question... ? Has a similar type of surfacing come up for other people (one seemingly unrelated to anything but which you know makes sense)... and for those with a dissociative disorder.. how do you get over the unreality of having a part of your personality speak/communicate with you..??. this is just such a lot to digest and I feel very alone with it...I can't talk about this with my friends... it's spinning me out
Communication with my parts is difficult because they aren't as defined as maybe some other people's parts are... I don't have full blown separate personalities operating, but I have a lot of parts playing various roles, often in ways I'm not aware of, or if I am, for reasons I don't yet understand... (amnesia also strong)..so I don't have a good handle on managing communication with them... and half the time I feel like a fraud for even trying to communicate, since not all of me believes I have the disorder... yep it's a head f*ck!
However, I've been checking in and asking parts how they feel about things for the past few weeks , with various responses....
yesterday, something happened in therapy which left me a bit bewildered... I'd had a massive push pack about going tu session due to memories surfacing during the week, which I'd written in my diary which is shared on line with T... I hadn't checked I'd had permission to hand these memories over and not all parts were happy I'd shared it... after a long session exploring why these parts were worried, T asked me/ them what it was they wanted / needed in session before it finished... whether they needed me / T to know anything, what would make them feel better... at which point it very suddenly and very clearly came to me (repetitive thought voice) that they told me 'Just don't hurt the baby')... this was out of the blue and seemingly unrelated to anything I was thinking of, or that we'd been talking about... yet, although it didn't make sense in that exact moment, I know there was a truth held in those words... that on some level, without having proof, I know things happened to me when I was very very young, which were traumatic.. without knowing what these were...(having my son gave me the opportunity to see that surface through my multiple difficulties I experienced when he was very young)... T then spoke to them to reassure them that a) he wasn't in the room (he's online), and b) he would never hurt any part of me
So what's my question... ? Has a similar type of surfacing come up for other people (one seemingly unrelated to anything but which you know makes sense)... and for those with a dissociative disorder.. how do you get over the unreality of having a part of your personality speak/communicate with you..??. this is just such a lot to digest and I feel very alone with it...I can't talk about this with my friends... it's spinning me out