Hi there, I'm curious if anyone has experienced this. Before having my son (2 years old), nightmares usually consisted of running from someone/something trying to harm me, constantly being late or held up by other people (ie. trying to get to the airport and everything/everyone is causing me to be late and then I miss the flight), and the worst ones were dreams of me encountering animals in severe neglect and desperately trying to save them. I still have the first two types of dreams, but now instead of witnessing animals in distress, I'm dreaming of my son being hurt or abused by others and I'm desperately trying to protect him. I wake up gritting my teeth, sometimes panicking trying to catch my breath. A few times I've been crying in my sleep, but frozen, because I'm locked in the dream state, and my husband realized what was going on because he heard me crying/whimpering and would rub my arms to wake me up. Why the psychological torture? (I don't know if that's rhetorical or a legit question to be honest). I'm new to a PTSD diagnosis and trying to figure things out. I'm wondering if the content of anyone's dreams changed after a certain event or trauma, or in my case, a life altering event like the birth of a child.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance.