I was born with the artistic gift, so I went to Art College and became a professional artist. I am retired now, as I am in my mid-60s and am no longer able to do much with these arthritic, neuropathic hands. However, I do still do some crocheting and I have written a book of poetry, 2 actually, but only one got printed. It did not sell well, and to my knowledge, is no longer available for sale anywhere. It was a collection of poetry inspired by the guests who used to stay at a motel I owned "in another life." That was before my adult trauma. That was when I HAD A LIFE.
Way back, when I was working professionally, I did a series of over 300 paintings about all the lake legends around the world. One of them was published as a postcard and sold at one of the lakes. I'm sorry to say, I don't believe I have an image of it, as I was homeless for 3 years and lost EVERYTHING I owned, including what paintings I had that had not sold up to that point. I also lost the motel, which was where I lived, so that is how I became homeless. It was after the WTC Bombing, and no one was travelling by plane then. Since all our motel guests had come from the airport, we ended up going out of business. It was an awful time in my life, and my life was even threatened during that time too....
Anyway, way back, I loved writing poetry. I used to share it online, in half-baked form sometimes even, and then I would polish up the best ones and post them on a web page I had going for awhile. Folks would come by, look at some of my paintings and read the poems that went with them and sign my guestbook with all kinds of cudos. I loved that, and I did it all for free, just to share with the world. I guess it was a way to promote my art too....
These days, due to health restrictions, I rarely do any art. The last thing I did was crochet a lap blanket for a friend of mine who was in the hospital. She was so cold, I wanted to help her warm up!
Before that, I did some very rudimentary images of my traumas as homework for my therapist. She did not seem overly impressed with them or interested in them, so I stopped doing them. They did not do a lot for me either.
I think sometimes I am in the mood to do some art, but my physical limitations prevent me. So, mostly, this post is about what I have done in the past, and my support for this thread, because I think it is a great idea, for those who are able to express themselves in artistic ways.
If I feel up to it in the future, I might share some kind of written creation here ....