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Sexual Assault Audible Orgasm During Rape

Now that has happend To me, imagon the humiliation for a teen girl being raped analy beaten by a older man and never recieve any justice no compansation
I'm sorry that happened to you.
Its just not fair being raped beaten threatned with wepon raped analy recieve no justice he walk free no compensation whatsoever having to watch other girls getting justice huge compensations for rapes far less brutal that also made them aroused???
Arousal doesn't mean pleasurable or even enjoyable. I don't think anyone on this thread is talking about enjoyment or pleasure. Physical arousal and orgasm can happen while also being raped and afraid for your own survival.

I do understand why you'd be upset by the idea of other people enjoying a sexual encounter and later claiming it was rape, especially when you've not been able to see justice in your case. I just don't think that's what is being talked about in this thread.
Now that has happend To me, imagon the humiliation for a teen girl being raped analy beaten by a older man and never recieve any justice no compansation watching other girls getting justice a huge compensation for a less sadistic rape that also gave them some Form of pleasure like arousal.
What happened to you is terrible. Anal rape survivor here too, along with other rape and assaults. And it is totally unfair that some people are in prison and others aren't. No one who raped or abused me is in prison (but I never went to the police).
But it's not the rape victims fault if one person is convicted and the other isn't.

Adding in orgasm to a rape and knowing how disgusting rape is: orgasm is just chance at times. It adds a sadistic layer in a way.

I think your anger is justified. But to put it to other rape survivors is misplaced.
I just find It a bit odd, i cant imagine how. its disgusting being raped, i asume if a person orgasm and Is aroused from being raped, and there Is no physical violence or wepons involved It should not be considerd a aggravated rape.

Aggravated rape Is painfull humiliating sadistic not pleasurable. I think to be aroused from being raped require that the person has had some serious fantasy about being raped previously.
I’m sorry for what happened to you.

But rape is rape.

It is hard enough to get people to believe it happened sometimes. And if other people who have been raped say it’s not rape, or serious enough, or must have been a fantasy, how can we even begin to believe the rest of society will take it seriously?

I hope you find some way to feel better, when the people who hurt us aren’t brought to justice it can feel like a very bleak landscape.
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Now, back to the thread.
I'm curious about what an "audible orgasm" is, i know that women moan a lot during vagina/clitoral stimulation, but is there a certain kind of moan that can be attributed to an orgasm? Maybe these people who hear you "orgasm" just hear you moan, and maybe you were faking it.

I've read that it's pretty common for women to enjoy a rape partially, and also a pretty huge number of women develop rape fantasies partially because sex tends to be exciting. I don't think we should ever blame ourselves for the things that other people do, and sometimes not even blame other people for what they do if there are alternatives.

This is actually vefy adaptive and hou should feel proud of yourself. Here's why. In the animal kingdom females make noise during sex that alerts the other males to come fight for her so that she might have the strongest mate and offspring. These noises in turn make the current male ejaculate faster so that he can impregnate the female before other males can come and fight him off. Our biology is designed to know that female sexual noises encourage male orgasm, so making noise during your rape may very well have ended it sooner. Plus, orgasms increase lubrication and loosen the vagina, making vigorous intercourse more comfortable and less likely to cause physical damage. Your have nothing to be ashamed of; your body is smart and was protecting you. Maybe one day you will be able to thank it for helping you survive xoxo
one version of "why" i've read is so that other men in tribe come and join, but that explanation also makes a lot of sense.
I've read that it's pretty common for women to enjoy a rape partially,
Language is really important. "enjoy" rape?
I'm yet to meet someone who enjoyed rape. Orgasm doesn't mean enjoyment.

and also a pretty huge number of women develop rape fantasies partially because sex tends to be exciting
Language again is important here. You're implying rape is exciting and women get turned on by being raped?
Your comments are misplaced at best.
Rape is not exciting. It is horrific, scary, violating, fearful of your life, painful, humiliating, any other number of things but exciting it is absolutely not.
Any rape survivor can tell you that, female or other genders.
Well-said @Movingforward10.

@NotWeakNotStupid -
one version of "why" i've read is so that other men in tribe come and join, but that explanation also makes a lot of sense.
I'm going to say to you what I said to the poster you quoted:

Rape is not sex. Rape is violent physical assault. It's an expression of power, control, anger.

The notion of "increased lubrication through vigorous intercourse" may be true of lions, but it's not de facto true of human beings.

Calling the rest of the tribe? Again - you are confusing rape with sex, and you're confusing violent assault with survival of the species.

Please do not continue. Threadbanned.

Back to the main topic.
Its extremly unfair if a person Is sent to prison for raping a woman without beating her or using any wepons and giving her arousal and orgasm, but someone who rapes a woman analy beat her use wepons make her feel only pain Is walking free.
No. It is extremely horrible for society as a whole if a rapist isn't sent to prison. Period.
While married to my ex husband who raped me through coercion he would make himself “last” until he thought I had an orgasm. Even while crying and shielding myself while he was doing it he would try his hardest to make me orgasm, sometimes he succeeded and sometimes he did not. Eventually I learned to make noise and fake it so he would stop and it would be over. I was never hit or threatened physically. There are times when I still struggle to call it what it was but it was rape. I didn’t want to have sex but he would not stop begging, emotionally manipulating me, and groping at me. I said no more times than I can count but all he heard was not yet or convince me. I’m sure some will say it wasn’t rape but to me it was and faking audible orgasm and sometimes having an audible orgasm made it end faster.

I haven't been on here in a long time, but I'm revisiting my trauma through some more exposure therapy. One of the things I remember about my rape is dissociating and being brought back by orgasm. In the morning, the people outside the room clearly indicated I was loudly moaning the previous night. I know a lot of women orgasm during rape and it can't be helped. I want to know if anyone else was involuntarily loud. It feels so much worse when everyone around thinks you had a good time. I just feel a lot of shame about it and articles on orgasming during rape don't mention anything about that.

Any experiences would be appreciated.
I was raped by 2 men and they took turns at me for hours. I was raped both orally virginally and anally. I orgasmed many times throughout my ordeal and although I felt disgusted I secretly did enjoy being held down by 2 very powerful men and used.
I secretly did enjoy being held down by 2 very powerful men and used.
I wish we had better words to use for what we felt during acts of abuse. While the above quote might very well be true-ish, using this kind of language is using the language of abusers and people who don't believe sexual assault survivors.

I too "enjoyed" my abuse on a couple of levels. I "enjoyed" the attention that was being paid to me sexually ("being used"). I "enjoyed" the pain and torture on a surface physical level. I was certainly able to talk about it and laugh and joke about it with others at the time. At the same time, I did not enjoy being sexually abused. I did not enjoy the loss of power and control over my own body. I did not enjoy the confused feelings I had about it, to the point of burying them. I did not enjoy the physical suffering during the acts of physical abuse itself. I did not enjoy feeling responsible for my abuse.

I think using the word "enjoy" to describe any part of any act of sexual assault is the result of our brains trying to make sense of what happened, and to minimize it, gloss over it, and to say "it wasn't that bad." Or maybe we have listened to and believed our abusers, who told us that we were "enjoying" what they were doing to us. So the word "enjoy" when it comes to sexual assault exists in a way that seems true but really wasn't and isn't true.

Most of all, I wish we had different language because a stupid person, or a person with bad intentions, could read the above quote and get the exact wrong idea about sexual assault. @Lisamercer, sexual assault is a confusing thing, and something that stays with us and imprints itself on our sexuality forever. We can even have persistent sexual fantasies about what happened to us. But I don't exactly believe you when you say you secretly enjoyed it during the act. It's a true-ish statement, but not one that's actually true. For the reasons I outlined above, it's your brain trying to make sense out of a senseless situation.
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Gonna stop you right there.

Rape isn't sex. Rape is a violent physical attack, rooted in power. The fact that it often involves the sex organs? Doesn't make it sex.

What the f*ck. News flash: Damage happens with or without lubrication. And if we're going to get technical about it? Lubrication is often a result of friction, as an autonomous preservation response. That's not tied to orgasm. I just....oh my god.

Rape is not "vigorous intercourse".

Rape is not sex.

And there is no biological imperative for rape. Rape is the assertion of - the forcing of dominance. Rape is violence. Rape is quite literally soul-crushing.

Look: I can agree that the human orgasm is a very complicated thing. I believe that to have a physical orgasm while being assaulted is one of the most profoundly difficult human experiences. It is so paradoxical, it can really rip your mind apart.

But to make a connection between sexual orgasm and orgasm during rape, as you did? To equate rape to sex and the biological drive to reproduce?

That is truly, deeply wrong.
This is an ugly topic but from an evolutionary perspective rape/forced sex is absolutely a reproductive strategy employed by some low-status males. It's seen across many species.


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