Consequences for copyright infringement

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If you have original content (poetry, fiction, lyrics) posted, and you do not have your own copy, please make a copy prior to the 25th. After that time, those threads will have been locked and archived.

I want to be sure I've got this straight. Are you saying that if we posted, say, a poem we wrote ourselves, the whole thread we wrote it in will be deleted? That doesn't make sense to me but maybe I'm not understanding this.
That doesn't make sense to me but maybe I'm not understanding this.
There are threads where people have copied poetry, lyrics and other such copyright material and pasted them here. Within those threads, people have added their own poetry, lyrics, so forth, whatever the thread topic is.

We do not know, and are not going to, as staff, search every posts content online to determine whether the content is copyright someone else, or is your own. We're going to delete the entire thread.

Make sense now?
How does one edit a post with said infringement? I received a notice, but alas cannot change the post. I searched the FAQ but there was nothing regarding this, only clarification of the rules.

Sorry, not copy right infringement, but for quoting someone's full post.
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Whilst this is an old discussion, I am adding this addendum as people still want to try and argue this via tickets.

Fair use of copyright work is not allowed the moment a site monetises content, as its considered commercial. This sites content is monetised, which makes every single aspect of "fair use" inapplicable. There is zero argument about this law. Even as a private site, due to monetisation with copyright, things get looked at differently.

You own your content you write here, and part of your doing so at this site, you license us your content which we can monetise. When you do not own that content (others work), that license does not apply to copyright material as you do not have the consent to post it, let alone license it to another for their use.
This sites content is monetised, which makes every single aspect of "fair use" inapplicable.
Quoting and bolding for emphasis.

What we're asking for isn't really that difficult or restrictive. Primarily, you should rely on links. If you want to quote content, do it judiciously - don't just grab giant chunks without editing. If you want to post an image you need to own it entirely.

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