Consequences for copyright infringement

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Please pardon my interruption....My "Protest" had more to do with me being very 'reactive' and having an overflowing stress cup, as you may have already guessed, than it did with the facts and I am not out to hurt anyone, Anthony, as you may have also guessed.

I apologize for posting when reactive, ...not a good choice on my part! I should have asked questions and waited till my stress levels were manageable.

I hereby retract my previous statements as per copyright rules. I stand corrected.

I definitely need help now, worse than I have in quite some time, and I do value this site and it's members/staff etc....although I don't imagine that came thru in my previous post. :confused::facepalm::(

Again, poor judgement on my part,

As per the legal policy, everything posted must be user generated content:

This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to Us. This material includes, but is not limited to: the design, layout, look, appearance, trademarks, graphics, documents, information and materials, and user generated content ("Contents"). You are not permitted to reproduce the contents on the website for the purposes of sale or use by any third party. In particular, You are not permitted to republish, upload, transmit electronically or otherwise distribute any of the Contents that may be available for download from time to time on this website. expressly reserves all copyright and trademark in all Contents, on Our website and We reserve the right to take action against You if You breach any of these terms.

Any redistribution or reproduction in part or all of the Contents in any form is prohibited other than the following: You may print or download contents to a local hard disk for Your personal and non-commercial use only. You may copy some extracts only to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if You acknowledge the website as the source of the material.

You may not, except with Our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the Contents; nor may You transmit or store the Contents in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.

All user generated content must be unique and then becomes copyright

EDIT TO ADD: The policy has changed. Please read: Link Removed

We additionally have always had the policy that when requested by the author, in writing, for legitimate reuse of their content in commercial works or such, we give that permission and waive rights and claims on individual basis. Content being copyright stop all issues about users privacy, it places your personal content into our hands for active engagement on as required basis to then chase copyright infringement if it has occurred.

I'm pretty sure I asked this question in the past year or two, whether members wanted content being copyright removed -- the overwhelming majority did not. They wanted us to maintain protection of their content.

I'm super happy to remove it, honestly. It means less work for me, less worry, and certainly less financial input when I've had to employ legal advice. Like all online sites that accept user generated content, you grant us a perpetual license to use your content as we desire, forever. We, as a website, are super good and solid legally for use of member content. The copyright is purely a protection measure, which has allowed us to stop abuse of others content, which has occurred over past years.

What I can't do though, is sit on the fence giving out passes individually. It is an all or nothing legal component.


Honestly, I'm a little tired of this coming around every x months by a member or two. I think the simplest decision is that I will remove copyright, licensing remains, so you can do what you want with your content, and if anyone uses your content outside this site, it's up to you to chase and legally implement, including anything private. Removing this issue and MyPTSD from this ongoing question and debate.

Please read: Link Removed
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I read the legal policy, a few times now. And I am not debating personally but just asking so that I am on the correct side of the policy. If I post an orginal art piece or photo of mine here and can I later post it to another site without asking or must I ask first? I didn't see that in the policy (may have missed it) but it was stated two different ways by JL so I am just checking.
Two questions:
- I read in one of @joeylittle's earliest posts that quoting other members within the site is okay. Does that still need any sort of attribution? (i.e. Link to thread, inclusion of member name, etc.)
- Are we able to have access to edit previous (diary) posts to reduce the length of quotes/excerpts and add links to make the content acceptable to keep after May 25th so that it won't get deleted?

Two cents:
Copyright law is a b*tch to navigate sometimes and attributing proper ownership is not all that difficult if you put in a little effort. Thanks for taking the time to warn and throughly explain. I would also prefer to have my content copyrighted and protected by myptsd. I once noticed a guest user in chat asking for stories/browsing threads for content for a book they were writing. I would not have wanted my rants and personal struggles included in someone's book.
I'm pretty sure I asked this question in the past year or two, whether members wanted content being copyright removed -- the overwhelming majority did not. They wanted us to maintain protection of their content.
I think that it's a real shame that because of people questioning the copyright, we are no longer protected by myptsd. I totally understand how it has come to this, just a damn shame that it has had to happen.

The copyright policy made great sense to me, in that whilst what I wrote 'belonged' to myptsd forum, however, if I ever decided I wanted to publish my writing for myself, myptsd would have undoubtedly given me permission. And myptsd would have had my back, if I found my content re-hashed somewhere else online or anywhere.

I don't have any intention of publishing anything related to PTSD, but equally, I wouldn't want my content splashed all over the www. Now I have no control over it.

So a big 'shame on you', to all those who caused trouble over the previous copyright policy - it was there for our protection - now we have lost it. Have no doubts about it - now that the policy has changed, your content could and will appear anywhere and everywhere and only those wealthy enough will be able to fight it.

I once noticed a guest user in chat asking for stories/browsing threads for content for a book they were writing. I would not have wanted my rants and personal struggles included in someone's book.
Well, they may well be included now, and if you want to fight it, you will have no backing from the forum.

I certainly can't afford lawyers to protect my content, as such, I won't be posting anything personal here again.
I think the simplest decision is that I will remove copyright, licensing remains, so you can do what you want with your content, and if anyone uses your content outside this site, it's up to you to chase and legally implement, including anything private.
@cherryblossom, per the quote above, it does not seem like we are "no longer protected by myptsd" (yet), but that Anthony may be considering taking steps to stop protecting content in the near future. At the time, I created a ticket regarding the guest user wanting content for their book and it was brought to administrator attention. For what it is worth, I agree with you and would have liked the copyright/protection situation to continue the way it was.
I usually do not cause problems nor trouble to the mods or Anthony here. To me it is a priviledge and not a right to be here under the umbrella of MyPTSD. I am unable to donate like I did before but I really appreciate being here and I think it is just so bad that people here gave Anthony and the staff grief about this issue. Geez people get a clue.
it does not seem like we are "no longer protected by myptsd"
That is exactly the point.
it's up to you to chase and legally implement, including anything private. Removing this issue and MyPTSD from this ongoing question and debate.
At the time, I created a ticket regarding the guest user wanting content for their book and it was brought to administrator attention.
Now, there is no need for admin or moderators to get involved in any copyright issue, we own our own copyright now, so it's up to us as individuals to protect our content.
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