Is/has anyone been in a serious relationship with a narcissist? My wife and I are divorcing and it's become clear that she has full blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder. My therapists guided me to this conclusion despite my unconscious need to fight it for months. Once we separated, my wife began following the playbook described in dozens of articles I found about divorcing someone with NPD. Literally everything these articles talked about my wife has done. Isolated me from friends and family, stolen all our shared assets, tried to alienate me from our children. She even hacked me and destroyed 20+ years of email and work. All the while, she's acting like I am being delusional that she would do any of these things, and everyone believes her. My life is being ruined by her and I am still shocked I was with her for 20 years. How could I have been so blind? Am I the only one?