My partner of 6 years recently went on holiday with me and my sister who is a year younger then me and he exposed himself to her while I was in the room and my back was turned.
I will give you some back history, I met him at a low point in his life, I worked behind the bar of a small pub where he and his wife of 12 years drank regular on a day I didn't work. His wife died suddenly and tragically and everyone came together to support him emotionally. We became good friends and then partners he was quite a bit older 52 and I 32. He was funny, kind, compationate and sensitive so the age gap never bothered me. My family accepted him immediately and get on very well with him. We moved in together after 3 years.
I have been saving up long before I met for a place of my own, I believe in being as independent as possible. My sister rents in the town centre and recently her new landlord upped her rent my a massive £300 a month with no justification. My partner Tony suggested she move in with us, we have a spare room to save a deposit and we get a place together. He never charged her rent just low token amount to cover bills.
I thought they were getting on great but after he exposed himself to her holiday she said he had been doing it at home to when sat opposite her, leaving his bedroom door open after showering so she can see ect. She never said anything as she felt she couldn't. It was his home after all.
I confronted him on holiday asking him what the hell he was doing exposing himself to her and what he hoped to achieve. He burst out crying said he just wants to be seen as a man and suffers with low self esteem and poor body image. I know this is true because in the beginning of our relationship he had real issues about the size of his manhood saying he was small. Which from my perspective isn't even true.
The worst part is he said he has gotten into trouble with the law and 29 years ago he exposed himself. It went to court but charges never came to anything because he agreed to therapy. He is civil servant so had the government back him. He didn't just expose himself to woman it was an 11 and 13 year old girl. His daughters friends. This isn't well known by anyone in our home town.
His has a bad relationship with the youngest 2 his 3 children because it was there friends he exposed himself too. I feel so sick I never knew he was capable of such a thing. The psychological effect it must have had on them upsets me so much.
What is even more traumatic is that recently my cousins daughter revealed she has been sexually abused by my aunties husband of 15 years, a man she called grandad. It started with him exposing himself to her then making her touch him and lord knows what else.
I can't believe I had been with a sex offender for 6 years and didn't have a clue, the worse part is his late wife knew and had a teen daughter and was completely OK with it. His two ex girlsfriends before knew and also had young children and grandchildren.
My world has been turned upside-down. I was so in love with him, trusted him completely and I feel like he told all his former partners apart from me. My sister cannot bear to look at him or be around him. I'm so upset and angry at him.
I will give you some back history, I met him at a low point in his life, I worked behind the bar of a small pub where he and his wife of 12 years drank regular on a day I didn't work. His wife died suddenly and tragically and everyone came together to support him emotionally. We became good friends and then partners he was quite a bit older 52 and I 32. He was funny, kind, compationate and sensitive so the age gap never bothered me. My family accepted him immediately and get on very well with him. We moved in together after 3 years.
I have been saving up long before I met for a place of my own, I believe in being as independent as possible. My sister rents in the town centre and recently her new landlord upped her rent my a massive £300 a month with no justification. My partner Tony suggested she move in with us, we have a spare room to save a deposit and we get a place together. He never charged her rent just low token amount to cover bills.
I thought they were getting on great but after he exposed himself to her holiday she said he had been doing it at home to when sat opposite her, leaving his bedroom door open after showering so she can see ect. She never said anything as she felt she couldn't. It was his home after all.
I confronted him on holiday asking him what the hell he was doing exposing himself to her and what he hoped to achieve. He burst out crying said he just wants to be seen as a man and suffers with low self esteem and poor body image. I know this is true because in the beginning of our relationship he had real issues about the size of his manhood saying he was small. Which from my perspective isn't even true.
The worst part is he said he has gotten into trouble with the law and 29 years ago he exposed himself. It went to court but charges never came to anything because he agreed to therapy. He is civil servant so had the government back him. He didn't just expose himself to woman it was an 11 and 13 year old girl. His daughters friends. This isn't well known by anyone in our home town.
His has a bad relationship with the youngest 2 his 3 children because it was there friends he exposed himself too. I feel so sick I never knew he was capable of such a thing. The psychological effect it must have had on them upsets me so much.
What is even more traumatic is that recently my cousins daughter revealed she has been sexually abused by my aunties husband of 15 years, a man she called grandad. It started with him exposing himself to her then making her touch him and lord knows what else.
I can't believe I had been with a sex offender for 6 years and didn't have a clue, the worse part is his late wife knew and had a teen daughter and was completely OK with it. His two ex girlsfriends before knew and also had young children and grandchildren.
My world has been turned upside-down. I was so in love with him, trusted him completely and I feel like he told all his former partners apart from me. My sister cannot bear to look at him or be around him. I'm so upset and angry at him.