Recovery4Me-omg I didn't get it til now. The joke is clear, my mind is I have always been lucky to be thin so have never dieted. That is in part the my foods of choice are usually healthy ones. (I love a big salad) So I dont really have a plan yet. I dont know about my insurance but it likely wouldn't work right now anyway. I had endo and colonoscopy scheduled for the 5th and they postponed because hospital is only doing electives on M and F. They rescheduled for 18th but now all electives are cancelled because of covid.
Which actually relates to ptsd cup. My husband worked for a hospital for 40 yrs. In Aug 2019 they announced they were closing. All the drs in our insurance plan left to open offices on their own or with other hospitals. Our insurance was crappy anyway. But from August thru Feb I had insurance but no drs. They let him go in Jan. then we had no insurance. He took another job in April and insurance kicked in May, but we were deep into covid. By the time I could get a gastro appt it was october. I also had to see a urologist and have a procedure scheduled. I did get to gyne and have mamo this summer. I still dont have a pulmonologist or opthomologist or neurosurgeon or allergist.
All cup do runneth over. Along side with the covid, all these income and insurance issues have prevented normal care. There are just so many things that go along with covid, like routine healthcare mentioned above, but also keeping us from home repairs that are inside. I know I am not alone in this and am grateful for what we do have. Just makes me nervous
Which actually relates to ptsd cup. My husband worked for a hospital for 40 yrs. In Aug 2019 they announced they were closing. All the drs in our insurance plan left to open offices on their own or with other hospitals. Our insurance was crappy anyway. But from August thru Feb I had insurance but no drs. They let him go in Jan. then we had no insurance. He took another job in April and insurance kicked in May, but we were deep into covid. By the time I could get a gastro appt it was october. I also had to see a urologist and have a procedure scheduled. I did get to gyne and have mamo this summer. I still dont have a pulmonologist or opthomologist or neurosurgeon or allergist.
All cup do runneth over. Along side with the covid, all these income and insurance issues have prevented normal care. There are just so many things that go along with covid, like routine healthcare mentioned above, but also keeping us from home repairs that are inside. I know I am not alone in this and am grateful for what we do have. Just makes me nervous